Showing posts with label Independence Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independence Day. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Independence Day!

The Fourth of July is just a reference to a calendar date. No matter how much they try to brainwash us with "Fourth of July," remember it is really Independence Day, the day that the colonists thumbed their noses at the British and said we will do it our way, not your way.

Independence Day was the precursor of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights that some of our current leaders and fellow citizens are trying to amend to better fit their idea of what this nation should be: a nation under their “god.”

Well, their god is not my god. Their god does not have compassion for anyone that does not follow what they consider to be their self-defined "norms." There is no room for transpeople, as well as the other segments of GLBT in the nation under their god.

Our forefathers separated from Britain to get away from people like these so-called theists and it is time we reclaim the real meaning of Independence Day here before it is just a fond memory.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper (Source: Boston Proper)

Shaun Mitchell
Femulator Shaun Mitchell and girlfriend Mel Wood in 2013. I wonder if they are still a couple today.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Cheeky Monday

Mark Your Calendar Dept.

A Reminder: Independence Day falls on the 4th this year!

Passing Interest Dept.

For Many Trans People, Not Passing Is Not an Option is an interesting article in Slate's GLBT Passing series. 

Cary Grant Never Said "Judy, Judy, Judy" Dept.

The three "Judy" songs on my iPod that I know by heart: Judy In Disguise (With Glasses) by John Fred and His Playboy Band, Judy's Turn To Cry by Lesley Gore and Suite: Judy Blue Eyes by Crosby, Stills and Nash.

Thanks To You Dept.

I want to thank everyone who has contributed to my Coffee Break fund. Your generous contributions help defray the costs of operating the blog and also motivates me to keep on blogging! Thank-you!

Source: Intermix
Wearing Intermix dress, Alexandre Birman sandals and Simon Miller bag (Source: Intermix)

Grayson Perry
A Femulate Favorite: the lovely British artist Grayson Perry

Monday, July 3, 2017

Short Shorts

Don't forget:

Independence Day falls on the 4th this year!

👠 👠 👠
Eddie Izzard: It took me 30 years to deal with coming out as transgender!

I can sympathize with Eddie and you can read the whole story here.

👠 👠 👠

Fly Me!

Patty O knows I have an affinity for flight attendant drag, so she sent me this photo of Dustin Izzat at Seattle Pride.

A "stewardess" by any other name!
A "stewardess" by any other name!
👠 👠 👠

Troupe L’oeil: Ooh La La!

My newest gurlfriend, Rhondsocks, wrote, "I wanted to give a strong endorsement for a new fashion designer: Bunker Bradley. His website is Bunker Bradley Couture. A former car designer from Detroit now located in Las Vegas, his designs are really cool. The dresses he designs are  transgender friendly as the prints on the dresses actually make you look thinner by utilizing the troupe l’oeil technique of drawing your attention to parts other than where a bit of fat may show. His partner, Roselynn Poon, is the business person and is so very transgender friendly, going out of her way to make sure I was able to wear their beautiful dress at a transgender gathering in May called 'Wildside.'"

Rhondsocks wearing Bradley Bunker

Source: Nine West
Wearing Nine West (Source: Nine West)

Source: Rain Dove
It's a bull market for femulators. (Source: Rain Dove)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day

on the beach The Fourth of July is just a reference to a calendar date. No matter how much they try to brainwash us with "Fourth of July," remember it is really Independence Day, the day that the colonists thumbed their noses at the British and said we will do it our way, not your way.

Independence Day was the precursor of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights that some of our current leaders and fellow citizens are trying to amend to better fit their idea of what this nation should be: a nation under their “god.”

Well, their god is not my god. Their god does not have compassion for anyone that does not follow what they consider to be their self-defined "norms." There is no room for transpeople, as well as the other segments of TLGB in the nation under their god.

Our forefathers separated from Britain to get away from people like these so-called theists and it is time we reclaim the real meaning of Independence Day here before it is just a fond memory.



B. Scott

American television personality, radio show host and Internet celebrity B. Scott.



Logan Neitzal

Wearing Logan Neitzal.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day and the Gender Gap

July 4, 1776

Today celebrates the 236th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the 13 North American Colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The 13 colonies were Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. At the time of the signing, Vermont was part of New York and Maine was part of Massachusetts.

Vermont declared its own independence on January 15, 1777 and became The Republic of New Connecticut*. Vermont became the 14th United State in 1791

Maine seceded from Massachusetts in 1820 and became the 23rd United State on March 15, 1820.

* Thanks to Wikipedia, I learned something new today.

Gender Gap

The article "10 College Majors With the Biggest Gender Gap," jives with my 34-year work experience as a technical writer in the electrical engineering and computer science fields where males dominate (91% and 85%, respectively).

I wish there was a need for technical writers in the fashion world!