Showing posts with label HBO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HBO. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Metamorphosis Balls

Catherine the Great was a series that appeared on HBO last fall. I did not see it, but I heard that the first episode included scenes with crossdressed men. I planned to watch that episode, but one thing led to another and I forgot about it.

I recalled the HBO series yesterday when I came across an article about “metamorphosis balls” on

“At the end of the first episode of HBO’s Catherine the Great, the empress Catherine (played by Helen Mirren—née Mironoff) holds a cross-dressing ball at the palace. Catherine, who we usually see in elaborate, heavily embroidered gowns (courtesy of costume designer Maja Meschede), is pictured instead wearing a tailcoat and breeches, taking advantage of the relative ease of movement to prance about the room and lead her courtiers in a traditional Russian dance.

“Meanwhile, her male advisors and military generals, who are usually seen in the episode trying to undermine Catherine’s authority, scuttle around looking uptight, toying uncomfortably with their undergarments and badly fitted wigs. Her power-hungry lover Grigory Orlov (Richard Roxburgh) is now more frustrated by his corset than by his diminishing presence at court: “This f**king thing—it pushes my tits up too far.”

“These gender-bending masquerades actually existed and were known at the time as metamorphosis balls. They were first popularized in Russia in the 1740s by Empress Elizabeth I, the daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine’s de facto mother-in-law, who purportedly held eight as part of her coronation celebrations and then every Tuesday throughout her reign. While balls involving cross-dressing were popular throughout Europe, they took on special meaning in Russia in the 18th century, an era dominated by female rulers looking to assert their authority through symbols of masculinity.”

(Click here to read the entire article.)

Wearing Shailene
Wearing Shailene

Richard Roxburgh
Richard Roxburgh (right) attending a metamorphosis ball en femme in HBO’s Catherine the Great 

Monday, January 7, 2019

Tony's Gang

Saturday night, I binge-watched the last six episodes of The Sopranos Season 2 on HBO.

I was not an early adopter of The Sopranos, but I could not remember when I started watching it regularly. The first three episodes I watched Saturday night were new to me, but I did recall seeing the last three episodes, so I must have started watching the series three-quarters of the way through Season 2.

HBO is rerunning the series because it is the 20th anniversary of The Sopranos' first broadcast. Unless they show Season 1 and the first half of Season 2 again, I will probably not binge-watch it again. However, I will watch my favorite episodes, especially the "Pine Barrens" episode (Season 3, Episode 11).

While I was watching The Sopranos, I ate a corn muffin that my wife had baked earlier. Tasted great, but it was very crumbly and some crumbs ended up in my lap. So I brushed them off and as I did, my wedding band went flying off my ring finger.

Having lost so much weight, I noticed that the ring was loose and I had a few close calls, but now it finally happened. I searched the area where I thought it was most likely to have landed, but I could not find it. So I decided to wait until daylight and resume the search under better lighting conditions.

After breakfast Sunday morning, I resumed the search, but it was not in the immediate area where I was sitting. So I expanded my search and finally found the ring on the other side of the room nearly 20 feet from where I was sitting!

To avoid future losses, I put the ring in my jewelry box until I get it resized or buy a ring size adjuster. I've worn that ring day and night for over 35 years and now my ring finger feels naked without it.

By the way, you might consider brushing the crumbs off my lap was slovenly and inconsiderate, but I fully intended to vacuum the crumbs before I went to bed. And since I perform most of the housewife chores in my domicile including vacuuming, I was not being inconsiderate of my wife because I am also a wife.

Wearing Solace London dress, Kenneth Jay Lane earrings and Alexandre Birman sandals (Source: Intermix)

Krystju Wapcarow
Krystju Wapcarow as Lily Ivanova on Bulgarian television's version of Your Face Sounds Familiar (Source: