Showing posts with label Franklin Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Franklin Graham. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Facebook Off

As soon as I finish this post, I am going to mosey on over to Facebook and delete my account.

Years ago, Facebook blocked my account because they thought my femme name was fake. They offered no option for people like us.

I continued to use my other Facebook account which was under my legal name, but I used it less and less as time went by. Nowadays, I check in maybe once a week.

Then there was this: "Facebook apologizes to evangelist Franklin Graham after banning him for 24 hours over a 2016 post in which he argued in favor of a bill regulating transgender bathroom access"

Graham has been on our case for years, but I paid him no attention. I figured he was just another ChINO (Christian In Name Only) practicing his so-called religion. I always say, "Ignore the ignorant" and that's what I did.

But Facebook's support of Graham's "religious" views was the last straw. I am not waiting for the third strike and will delete my Facebook account post haste.

Happy New Year!

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper (Source: Boston Proper)

My all-time favorite femulator!
My all-time favorite femulator!