Showing posts with label Foxwoods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foxwoods. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Saturday night is alright for dressing

It is always nice to go back to work after a long weekend off and half way through the first day back you realize it isn't Monday, rather it's Tuesday!

As a birthday gift, my daughter wanted to see the “Legends” show at Foxwood Casino. Specifically, she wanted to see the Elvis impersonator, so we went to the casino Saturday night to see the show.

We had about a half hour to kill before the show, so we played slots and people-watched.  I quickly had a $75 hit on a 50-cent slot machine and decided to quit while I was ahead.

So, I sat back to see what the other women at the casino were wearing.

The girls sure get gussied up Saturday night at the casino! I saw more women in high heels and dresses in a half hour at the casino than I did the previous week.

I also saw a few girls like me in high heels and dresses, assuming my trans-radar was functioning correctly. Regretfully, I was not dressed pretty because I was out with the family.

The show was very good. In addition to an Elvis, they had a Tina Turner, a Johnny Cash, a Michael Jackson and an Adele. They all were excellent impersonators.

My wife thought the Tina impersonator might be a male, but I disagreed and my wife acquiesced to my opinion because of my expertise on such matters!






Professional femulator Larry Edwards as Tina Turner




Source: MyHabit

Wearing Surface to Air top.