Showing posts with label Dave Foley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dave Foley. Show all posts

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Fumbles


I have had a difficult time getting back on track after my vacation last week. As a result, posts here have been late. Instead of appearing at the crack of dawn (East Coast time), mid-morning or high noon has been more like it.

Fantasia Fair begins in 16 days and I am not as organized for it as I'd like to be. My Oz costume is still in a state of flux. I am not sure which outfits to bring. I have two workshops to prepare for. And do I want to perform in the Follies and/or do I want to model in the fashion show this year?

Trying to get in the groove, Jackson, a tooth issue and emergency dentist visit on Tuesday did not help.

Other Fumbles

During vacation, I started reading Fear and Loathing at Rolling Stone: The Essential Writing of Hunter S. Thompson and that has put me in an introspective mood.

Halloween is a “casual Friday” this year!

Diana's comments on my Take the Money and Run post indicate that the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective seem more supportive of transgender folks today than in the past, but $150 is still a little too rich for my blood.

Anybody recognize Dave Foley in my Being a Modern Lady post on Wednesday? His career intrigues me. He was the best femulator on Kid in the Hall and has been sort of typecast ever since playing other roles that involve femulation. Lucky guy!





Source: Louis Vuitton

Wearing Louis Vuitton.






Actor/comedian Dave Foley femulating in television’s Kid in the Hall.