Showing posts with label Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Fashion Show

Glenn Koetznr photo for

Friday night, I was a model in a fashion show, which was a fundraiser for the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition (CTAC).

There were five models, four male-to-female and one female-to-male transgenders. We each modeled two outfits, "business" and "casual" wear.

You can see the outfits I wore in the photos in this and my previous blog posts. You can see the outfits everyone wore here.

 I received compliments on both outfits. Some people appreciated the purple skirt-suit for its vintageness and other people wanted to know where I bought the patterned tights (the answer: Avon). The female-to-male trans model paid me the highest compliment; he was convinced that I was a post-op transexual.

I modeled in the same show four years ago in the same venue and the contrast between the two shows could not be greater. In 2007, the bar at Tommy's Restaurant was packed with people. It was so crowded that it was difficult to wade through the crowd to model our outfits In 2011, the crowd was thin. I estimate that there were only 50 to 75 people in the audience, which was a far cry from the 2007 crowd.

The explanation I heard for the meager attendance was a lack of advertising. Whatever the reason, it was a little disappointing, but the show went on despite the small crowd and I had a wonderful time modeling and schmoozing with new and old friends.

Last Night

I had a fab time modeling at the fashion show last night. I don't have time to write much about it now, but my good friend Diana (of Diana's Little Corner in the Nutmeg State fame) posted a link in yesterday's comments pointing to a slew of photos from yesterday's event taken by Glenn Koetzner.

Here is the link. Enjoy!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Transgender Fashion Show Tonight


If you are in the area of central Connecticut tonight, I invite you to the transgender fashion show at Tommy's Restaurant in Middletown at 7 PM. The event is a fundraiser for the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition; admission is $10.

I will be modeling in the show, but I am not sure what I will be modeling. My "business" outfit is picked out and ready to wear, but I am unsure about my "casual" outfit.

The cocktail dress I wanted to wear arrived in the mail yesterday. I had another engagement after work last night, so I only had time to quickly slip the dress on without my shapewear and it seemed just a wee bit too small.

When I get home today, I will try again wearing shapewear and maybe it will fit. The dress is gorgeous, so I am hoping that will do the trick. If not, I will resort to Plan B and wear my other new dress from Ideeli.

I am taking a half-day off from work this afternoon to get ready for the show. I want to look my best and that takes time especially since both "casual" dresses show more skin than I've shown in awhile, which means some extra hair removal will be necessary.

But it’s worth it... it's all for a good cause and it will make me feel that much more womanly.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dress-Up Friday


Friday evening, I dress up to model a couple of outfits in a transgender fashion show for the benefit of the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition (CTAC).

The event starts at 7 PM at Tommy’s Restaurant (825 Saybrook Road, Middletown, CT 06457), just off Route 9 Exit 11. Admission is $10 at the door; you must be 21 or older to attend.

The dress I planned to model in the casual wear portion of the show has not arrived from Ideeli yet, so I may have to resort to Plan B and model the dress I previously received from Ideeli. But the week is young and if they ship in a day or two, I should receive the dress by show time.

If you are in the area, I hope you will consider attending the show. The venue is very diverse and you will have no issues fitting in and being accepted by the other attendees, so come on down!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Very Out in Public

On Friday, October 7, I will walk the runway in a trans fashion show to raise funds for the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition (CTAC).

The fun begins at 7 PM at Tommy’s Restaurant (825 Saybrook Road, Middletown, CT 06457), just seconds from Route 9 Exit 11. Admission is $10 at the door; you must be 21 or older to attend.

I modeled in this show four years ago and Tommy’s was packed and rockin'. I had a great time and it seemed that most of the attendees did, too. So come early and please say, "Hello" ...I'd love to meet you all in person!

By the way, we will be modeling "business" and "casual" outfits. For business, I will wear the purple retro skirt-suit that I also plan to wear to work on Halloween. For casual, I will wear one of the new dresses I purchased from Ideeli.

I hope I will see you there!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Have Stilettos, Will Model

Connecticut Transadvocacy Coalition (CTAC) is hosting a transgender fashion show fundraiser later this year.

I modeled in their fashion show fundraiser four years ago and when my friend Diana, who is very active in CTAC, mentioned their plans for this fall, I immediately volunteered to model again.

I don't know the show's date or location yet, but I am ready, willing, and able to strut my stuff down the catwalk on a moment's notice.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Stana in Stonington and Beyond

Out en femme yesterday with my friend Diana, she drove us to the shore where we met three other friends to dine at Skipper's Dock in Stonington, which juts out into Stonington Harbor off Fishers Island Sound.

The weather was perfect and we ate outdoors on the dock. (That is the restaurant on the dock behind me in the photo in my previous post.)

After eating, three of us walked around the picturesque town window-shopping, photographing, touring (Old Lighthouse Museum) and desserting on ice cream. The photo accompanying this post is me standing by the town docks trying to pick up sailors (the last phrase of that sentence is my attempt at humor --- hahaha).

A cool antique shop with jewelry in its window attracted my attention. I went inside and I asked the friendly proprietor if she had any clip-on earrings for sale. She brought out two displays of clip-ons and I purchased a gold art deco pair that "called my name."

The proprietor also educated me about foam clip-on earring cushions. I bought a bag of cushions and she slipped a pair on my purchase, which I wore the rest of the day without any slippage, pinching, and the best part, no after-marks.

Late in the afternoon, we drove back to Diana's home where we freshened-up. Then we headed out to a meet-and-greet of the Connecticut Alliance for Business Opportunities (CABO), an LGBT chamber of commerce.

I had already met some of the attendees at the Transgender Health and Law Conference two months ago, but most of the two dozen were new faces. I met and chatted with the majority of them.

Diana and I were the only trans people there and we were representing the Connecticut Transadvocacy Coalition (CTAC). Actually, Diana was more representative than me, as she is a veteran transgender activist, whereas I am a volunteer doing what I can to help the cause.

By 7:30 PM, we were both tired from a long day and parted ways.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Transgender Health and Law Conference

Yesterday, I attended Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition's annual Transgender Lives, The Intersection of Health and Law Conference at the UConn Health Center in Farmington, CT. I never saw so many tall women and short men in one place at one time!

Kidding aside, it was a great conference. I worked the registration table most of the morning, so I had an opportunity to meet many of the attendees. One hundred ninety-five had preregistered and there were approximately 35 walk-ins, so attendance was about 230, which is a 43% increase in attendance over last year's 160.

The crowd was evenly divided between women and men; there also was a good representation of our allies.

After my work was done, I ate lunch with Tanya, Melissa, and Vickie. I met Tanya at Fantasia Fair last October; she reads this blog religiously, so here's a shout-out to Tanya! Melissa and Vickie were new acquaintances. We all had a nice discussion over lunch.

After lunch, I attended one workshop in the afternoon concerning transgenders in the workplace. The presenters are involved in CABO, the Connecticut Alliance for Business Opportunities, LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Coming from an employer's perspective, they evangelized the hiring of LGBTs.

Most of the audience had an employee perspective, so members of the audience talked about their concerns. The discussion was so interesting that the session ran over its allotted time.

I stopped by CABO's booth afterwards and continued the discussion. I was so motivated by it all that I am seriously considering pursuing the establishment of an LGBT group at work for the good of my LGBT co-workers as well as myself.

I had been up since 4:45 AM, had worked hard in heels all morning, and by mid-afternoon, I was too pooped to Polka, so I left the premises at 2:30 PM after having a very rewarding day.

(I apologize for running the same candid photo as I ran yesterday, but hands down, it beats all of my posed photos taken at the conference. And again, thank you Jamie Dailey for taking some photos without twisting your arm!)