Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Something is wrong

Something is wrong and I don't know why.

Normally, I get an email when someone leaves a comment on the blog informing me that I need to moderate the comment. Those emails stopped about a week ago. Now I have to go behind the curtain occasionally to check if there are any comments to moderate. So if you leave a comment, there may be a delay before it gets approved and posted.

Then I noticed that other blogs that have my blog on their blog lists are not getting updated when I publish a new post. The last post they have seen was three posts ago.

Blogger has had problems in the past that get fixed eventually. I say, "The sooner, the better!"

Source: Rent the Runway
Wearing Show Me Your Mumu (Source: Rent the Runway)

Jeremy Stockwell
Jeremy Stockwell femulates in the 1970 film Dinah East.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

If It’s Broke, Fix It!

Wednesday morning, I noticed my links to other blogs and trans websites had disappeared from the left sidebar of After looking into the problem, I discovered that the Blogger Link List gadgets that contained those links had been transformed into Text gadgets without any content!

I have yet to figure out what caused the problem. But it comes on the heels of other problems I have had with the blog recently, so it is time to do something about the problems. I have a plan of attack that will probably take a few days to implement.

So please standby while I fix the technical difficulties.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus.

Femulating The Supremes.
Femulating The Supremes.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

A Fix

I seldom test "my" links ("my art," "my photos," etc.) listed in the left sidebar of this blog. Lo and behold, today I wanted to view "my Pinterests" and the link did not work. I tested "my" other links and they did not work either!

"My" links and the "send me e-mail" link were all contained within one Blogger gadget and they all used to work in a previous time. Something in Blogger must have changed.

I guessed correctly that the e-mail Javascript no longer got along with "my" html links, so I separated them. The e-mail Javascript is now in one gadget and the html links in another gadget.

Now everything works again. Go figure!

Source: Intermix
Wearing Nicholas Deep.

Vincent Beier
Vincent Beier, male model
(Visit Juan's NewMaleFashion for more Vincent Beier images.)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Search Me

2012-07-24_search-me Reva suggested I add a search function to the blog.

Good idea!

Blogger has a gadget for that and I added it to the blog last night (at the top of the right sidebar).

Monday, April 23, 2012

A Monday Mix

Crossing Over

Jessica of Jessica Who fame invited me to write a guest post for her blog. My guest post appears there today.

Outreach Tuesday

Tuesday afternoon, I will participate in a transgender question and answer session with students in two human sexuality classes at Southern Connecticut State University.

Blogger App

I have the Blogger app on my iPod Touch, but have found it frustrating to use. I am aware of other blogging apps, but don't want to buy a pig in a poke. So can anyone suggest a better app for accessing Blogger via an iPod Touch?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Technical Difficulties at Blogger

(updated below)
Blogger has been experiencing some technical difficulties that affected some of the blogs it hosts including this one.
Early last evening, I could not view this blog at all.
Later last evening, I could view this blog, but I could not log in to manage it (e.g., post new posts, moderate comments, etc.). The problem persisted until early this afternoon.
UPDATE:  Due to the technical difficulties mentioned above, Blogger lost unmoderated comments. I have four in my e-mail in-box awaiting moderation, but Blogger does not recognize them now. The four are from Anonymous,  Adriana, JohnH, and Meg; so don't think I am rejecting your comments, folks, Blogger has lost them!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

technical difficulty

Regular readers here may have noticed that my posts have been haphazard lately. In the past, I would compose a post before I went to bed and publish it in the morning. Or I would compose and publish during my lunch hour at work.

I dunno what's going on, but during the last month or so, I have had a difficult time logging into Blogger from work. I can view my blog and other Blogger blogs without difficulty, but logging in is another matter. My browser opens a new tab and attempts to access the log-in page, but the page never appears. The situation has gotten worse everyday and has reached a point that today I was unable to log in at all from work.

The problem is not browser-related because I have tried three different browsers and they all failed to let me access the Blogger log-in page. I don't believe that the boss is intentionally blocking access because when the boss does blocks a Web site, a message appears indicating that the block is intentional. Also, I have not experienced this problem with any other Web sites, just Blogger, but not the Blogger blogs themselves.

The Internet Explorer connection diagnosis tool suggests that network congestion might be the cause. But for what it's worth, I have no problem logging in from home day or night, weekday or weekend.

Until this problem goes away, I will publish my blog posts in the evening from hereon.