Thursday, March 20, 2025

We don't need no stinkin’ trousers!

I seldom see civilian women in dresses or skirts. At the mall last week, I saw one woman in a skirt – all the others were in pants. However, there were still racks of dresses for sale in Macy’s. Don’t know who’s buying them because nobody was wearing them. Maybe they should move those racks to the men’s department because it seems that “men” like us are more likely to wear dresses than cisgender women.

Despite what civilian women are wearing or not wearing, I still dress up when I go out. In addition to the dress, I am fully coiffured and wear heels, hosiery, handbag, jewelry, bra, girdle, full makeup, etc. – just like when Mom used to go out. (She taught her “daughter” well.)

People notice. But what’s wrong with being noticed? Being noticed may result in compliments and what girl doesn’t like to receive unsolicited compliments.

I’ve received compliments from complete strangers while out and about. My favorite occurred one day while I was looking through the racks at JCPenney. 

A middle-aged woman (same age as me) approached and asked, “Can I ask you a question?”

I had no idea what she was going to ask (“What time is it?” “Where did you buy your shoes?” “Are you a transvestite?”). I girded my loins, smiled and agreed to answer her question.

“You're dressed fashionably, so I'd like your opinion about a pair of slacks I was thinking about buying.”

Wow! I did not see that coming!

I did not like the slacks that she had picked out and suggested something with a bolder pattern. She admitted that she really did not like her pick and liked my suggestion better.

I pointed out a skirt with a pattern similar to what I had in mind and her eyes lit up as she said, “I saw slacks with that pattern. Now I just have to find them again! Thank-you for your help.”

It does not get much better than that! But how ironic: a “man” wearing a dress helping a woman shop for slacks!

I admit I have a few bifurcated garments in milady’s wardrobe. But I seldom wear them. Maybe when I attend a very casual affair like a cook-out or a softball game. Otherwise, I’m in a dress. 

After all, they don’t call it “cross-trousering,” do they?

Source: Rue La La
Wearing A.L.C.

Mariusz Ostrowski
Mariusz Ostrowski femulating Shazza on Polish television’s Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo.
Click here to view this femulation on YouTube.


  1. 'racks of dresses for sale'
    The same could be said about heels'.
    There is no shortage of heels of all shapes and colors so who buys them then and when/where do they wear them.
    And Stana that is a beautiful picture in your side bar. A dress to die for..!

  2. About a month ago, I was in New York's Penn Station waiting for a train, and did a bit of peoplewatching . It was a regular work day, and although technically still winter, not particularly cold - a light jacket would suffice . Of the hundreds of women who passed by, I counted a grand total of 8 who were wearing a dress or skirt. Yes, it was certainly an unscientific study, and many of the women likely chose slacks as a comfortable garment for traveling, but still the numbers indicate a trend .
    I fear that dresses will soon become a garment worn only by genetic women on special occasions, and by transgender women as often as possible .

    1. I, as a genetic man, wear dresses all the time. I don't consider myself transgender woman. There are plenty of times when I'm the only one around wearing a dress.
      John (preferred pronouns: he, him, his)

  3. Hi Stana, what a great compliment and something to remember.
    I was in a Macy’s yesterday, contemplating the same thing and noted that almost half the dresses looked like prom, or very formal gowns. Many of the rest were still a right bit fancy and suitable for a wedding, graduation, cocktail party, etc.
    what I did not see were a lot of dresses I would wear to work.
    I sort of conclude that women do wear dresses to these occasions and then likely never wear it again. Women’s dresses seem to be a once and done sort of deal.
    Perhaps not too much different for males too. How many suit stores do we see, but it is not often I encounter a bloke in a full suit either.
    I find dresses to be right comfortable and will continue wearing them, and hopefully getting compliments. It takes thought and effort to dress up, and I think others notice, but still will not make the effort if not required.

  4. I agree every time I go to Macys shopping for women’s clothing I’m amazed at the amount of dresses on display and often wonder why more ladies are not seen wearing them. It’s a mystery for sure thank goodness girls like us have a tremendous selection of cute dresses. Jill

  5. As a child of the 1950's and 1960's I never saw but one women wearing pants in my neighborhood. She was treated as an outcast. Even young girls had to transition from wearing shorts to wearing dresses at a certain age. I do not own any pants. It's dresses only for me with heels and hosiery and all the proper undergarments. The only place I see many women wearing dresses it is at Costco after Sunday church services. It appears there are some denominations that seem to dictate dresses at church. Other than that, it seems the only other place is at weddings and graduation proms. So sad!
