Friday, March 7, 2025

The Good Old Days

One year ago, I posted the following:

    Joe Biden tells trans Americans in his State of the Union address: “I have your back!” 

 What a difference a year makes! It seems more like a century.

Source: LEAU
Wearing LEAU

Girl and boy on prom date


  1. oh, I hope she made prom court.... she's pretty

  2. Please don't take offense but much of your audience are closeted crossdressers who aren't going to be affected as much as those on the identity side of things and living their truth openly

    1. I'm a trans-woman of more than 7 years. I still read Femulate every day. I still hold my crossdressing sisters close to my heart ❤️!

    2. As a closeted CD, I know I won't be directly affected. But I don't want to see anyone in this supportive and caring community be impacted by these hateful actions. Hell, I don't want to see anyone in any community be impacted by hate.

    3. "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a socialist.
      Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a trade unionist.
      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Jew.
      Then they came for me-and there was nobody left to speak for me."
      Martin Niemoller, (1946) who confessed his own inaction and indifference to the fate of many to the fate of many of the Nazis' victims. To those who do not protest Trump's actions that adversely affect others, look in the mirror. Will he come for you, next?

  3. Laura, I share your thoughts and feel your support! Sending the same back to you. And thanks Stana for making it possible love you all.

  4. The President is a cruel and ridiculous man. He and his cronies decided that the trans community would make an excellent punching bag, so they spent hundreds of millions to demonize members of the community. Unfortunately, their campaign of hate was very effective. We knew Trump was a greedy grifter whose only goals are to make money and force as many as he can to submit to him. The truly appalling thing is how many people have gone along with him.

  5. Nicht nur bei Ihnen in den USA wird die fatale Entwicklung rings um Präsident Herrn Trump wahrgenommen. In Deutschland beginnen ebenfalls viele Menschen sich dieser Ausrichtung anzuschließen. Auch ich als gebürtiger Deutscher und stiller CD sehe diese Entwicklung mit Sorge. Haben die Menschen nicht aus der Geschichte des 20,Jahrhunderts und der Vergangenheit gelernt? Persönlich hoffe ich, dass uns in unseren Ländern die Demokratien in Frieden erhalten bleiben!
