Monday, March 10, 2025

Stuff 62: Holes in My Head

JJ Got Pierced Ears!

By J.J. Atwell  

After pondering this for quite some time - measured in years - I finally went and got my ears pierced. This ticks off one of the resolutions I made for 2025 that you may have read about in the January 13 installment of Stuff. 

Why did I do it? Because I’ve envied all the different earring choices that are available for those with pierced ears. Yes, I accumulated a small collection of clip-on earrings that worked good enough for my outfits. But the world is so much bigger and there are so many more options. 

Did It Hurt?

Yes, there was a quick moment of pain which passed quickly. I’ve had worse flu shots. The whole process was actually pretty interesting. I went to a tattoo and piercing shop to get this done. I had searched on line for shops near me and looked for those that were highly-rated. I was going to be in the neighborhood of a couple of those shops while out running other errands and decided to check if they did walk-ins.

After filling out a short form with basic information (name, address, phone, any allergies, etc.), my tech came out to introduce herself and show me the options for my first studs. I selected a set that was titanium with a diamond like head on it. Nothing fancy. She went off to sterilize the studs and her equipment leaving me to play on my phone for a short while. Then it was into the tech’s work station where she explained the process and spent some time marking where the piercing would be to be sure it was even. She gave me a mirror to see how it would look and I gave the go ahead. 

After throughly cleaning the piercing site and unwrapping the sterilized tools, the moment had arrived. I’m not at all clear on just how it was done as I purposely occupied my mind by looking at all of the artwork and objects hung on the walls of the establishment. I’m sure all that distraction is there for just that reason. 

Before I knew it she said something like there will be a pinch and sure enough there was. And then it was over. It took longer for you to read this than the actual piercing took. The tech explained the necessary aftercare, gave it to me in writing and a solution to be applied to the piercing over the next few weeks. I was advised not to remove the studs for four months to be sure the holes healed properly. 

What about Guy Mode?

Will people notice the piercings when in guy mode? So far all I’ve worn is the simple studs I got for the piercing. In about a week, nobody has commented. Oddly enough, when my grown children came over they had to be specifically queued to look at my ears before they noticed. No adverse reaction, just mild amusement/interest and then onto other subjects. 

I’ll Be Back

I’ll be back with more Stuff in the next installment. Comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff so let me know what you would like to read about.

Wearing Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Janek Traczyk femulating Nancy Sinatra on Polish television’s Your Face Sound Familiar.
Click here to view this femulation on YouTube.

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