Monday, March 3, 2025

Stuff 61: Living on a Blue Island in a Red Sea

By J.J. Atwell

Caution, Politics Ahead!

I try to stay away from politics when I write my posts for Stuff, but I’m afraid I can’t write around it for today’s comments. From the title you can probably tell that I live in what’s known as a “red state.” The state’s electoral votes went to the republicans. Our governor ran against the new guy in the primaries at times attempting to be even more extreme than the rest of them. He even picked a fight with Disney. So the general atmosphere of this state is very “conservative.”

But I live in the central part of the state and there are a lot of residents that are from more progressive parts of the country. In addition, there is a huge theme park industry that drives the tourism business in this state. The theme parks employ a lot of people in the area with estimates of over 100,000 currently. And that doesn’t count the ancillary businesses that exist to service the theme parks and the people who come to visit them. So you would expect this would be a welcoming space. 

How Welcoming?

Good question. I know a lot of “T” people who are afraid to come to my state because of what they perceive as a hostile environment. I certainly understand their concern. But I’m not sure that’s true of my blue island. The theme parks actively encourage those in the LGBTQ+ to work for them. They don’t discriminate against those of us who are part of that universe. Additionally, the municipalities in the area post on social media regularly about their outreach programs and how they educate their people to deal respectfully with our community. 

Having said that, let me turn to a more personal perspective. Readers of Femulate have had the benefit (?) of following my Stuff since July 2023 and this is installment number 61 of Stuff. Over the course of that time, you may have read about my joining a local CD group. My first scary steps out of the house. Making friends with others and becoming more active in the club. This year, I’m vice president of my CD group. I tell you all of this so you’ll understand why I’m writing today. 

Are We Changing?

Part of my duties as VP is to grow the club. No, not to convince other guys to try dressing as women. To attract new members to come out of their closet even in a scary environment. For our members, we want to encourage participation in events that get us out of the house. 

How do I do that and what changes should we make in light of a changing environment? A really good question that I don’t know the answer to. For now, we are continuing our usual schedule of monthly meetings. We’re meeting in our private, secure clubhouse location four times a year. We don’t think we need to change that. 

But what about the other eight times? We schedule those as Girls’ Nights Out (GNO), which are held at local restaurants. We know from experience that certain restaurants welcome us, so we revisit them. But we also want to expand our options, not retreat to the safety of our known world – a delicate proposition, even in this blue island these days. 

How Are You Coping?

I’d love to hear how people are dealing with changing conditions in their area. Looking for new ideas as well as those tried and true ones. I also wonder how many of us are increasing our contributions to organizations that fight for the freedom of everybody. 

I’ll Be Back

There will be more Stuff from the blue island. As always comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff so if there is something you would like to read about please let me know! 

Wearing Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Gene Hackman femulating in the film The Birdcage.
Gene Hackman femulating in the film The Birdcage.
Mr. Hackman was one of my favorite actors and I was sad to learn of his recent death. God bless you, Jimmy “Popeye” Doyle.


  1. JJ here - re-reading what I wrote I see I failed to give credit to Stana for providing this soap box on which I stand. Thanks to her for the opportunity to speak to all of you.

  2. Sally StoneMarch 03, 2025

    JJ, this is a great and timely topic. I know the current political climate has given many of us pause, but I refuse to retreat back into the closet because of it. My recent personal experiences show me that not much has changed. I too live in a red state, Nevada, but my experiences when out out and about presenting as Sally are still positive. Most people I come into contact with still treat me with respect and recognize me for the woman I trying to be, even they it's obvious I wasn't born female. Sometimes, the bullies and loud mouths make it seem as though the entire world is against us, when in reality, it's just a few misguided souls. Could things change? Sure, maybe, but I don't think so.

  3. Hey JJ! Yes thank you Stana. I’m here in Chicago Illinois. Blue state all the way. Our governor is wealthy but a Democrat. He doesn’t like the Pumpkin Prince at all. Chicago isn’t as crime ridden as you may think. Drag is every where and acception is too. Our Mayor always in the Pride parade. Interesting note there is a city in Illinois named Blue Island. 47 months and counting! Don’t let Congress let Orange Julius have 3 terms. Love you and your Stuff. Free speech!

  4. easy to conclude that you are writing about Florida and in this state you don't need a "blue island"as things are just as Sally described Nevada."changing conditions--scary" ? You are setting up a bogey man who doesn't exist. A real stretch to translate concerns over girls' sports in to some kind of looming-menace.

  5. Good points all JJ!
    I’m sort of the opposite up in New England, where things are mostly blue with pockets of red. Even some tows and cities can vary by neighborhood. Some places I would decidedly not go to as a femulator, but I’d also hesitate to send my sister or mum there too as they would just not be safe for a female in general.

    If you are looking to expand your horizons, any sort of chain restaurant or store is usually a safe bet. When I travel en femme, I often have to go to unfamiliar places, and though I am observant and cautious as to the vibe I get, I’ll say no major chain has ever made me feel unwelcome. From Applebee’s to Zales, no one has ever sneered or refused my money. Just being cynical here, but most of these places are inclusive to maximize profit, and staff, regardless of personal beliefs, have little vested interest. It is just a job and they seem to care little who waltzes through the door.

    In some places I have felt right ignored, but noted other customers were as well. It was just poor staff, nothing to do with me.

    If unsure, visit en homme, and takes mental notes. See what type of clientele frequents the place. At worst you’ve had a meal or browsed a store and discovered a place JJ would not go to, or perhaps either half of you would not go to again.


  6. I live in a "blue" states with laws that protect everyone on the spectrum, including "sexual expression" which appears to cover cross-dressers. With The Orange Peril rearing its head the issue of trans-girls playing on high school girls' team has arose. Does state law Trump an executive order? Off to the courts, we go! The only times something makes the daily news is biological men letting it all hang out in women's locker rooms at the "Y." Out of state haters had to show up to protest local drag queens reading books at one local library. The true hate seems to flow from the pulpit of conservative churches and the White House.

  7. Politics, politics, politics!
    An old Queen Dowager like myself has seen our community gain ground over the 83 years I've been around, though it's been like a roller coaster ride. Sadly, these days there's been this red state backsliding, as the maga people work to control people's personal lives, pretty much ignoring the conservative history of what was once a fine Republican Party, Since we're a small community, taken the US population as a whole, we're an "easy target" for those damned bullies.

    I go back to the 1950's now, as I actually saw Washington, DC police get out of their vehicle and gave a nasty beating to a crossdresser -- she was just standing outside a club, harming nobody. Then the cops threatened retribution to any of us who reported them, and then they drove off. In the same week, I went to see The Jewel Box Revue along with a full house , mostly non-LGBT folks. That's when I first saw the unforgettable LaVerne Cummings for the first time (be still my heart).Since then touring female impersonator shows have faded away, as have most of the big gay clubs with society's growing acceptance of our community, along with the entire LGBT community. But, here in Baltimore for instance, I can find more drag performers than any time in my life. This is generally true across the country, a fact that those red state bullies are trying to eliminate in whatever way they can (as they lose more and more of those court cases). But even when it was against the law for a man to wear women's clothing was against the law back in "the olden days", all you had to do was know where to look -- and there they/we were!

    Who know what kind of stunt the orange menace might pull at tonight's State of the Union address. Maybe he'll show a film of a trans athlete being escorted from a team sports event, or maybe have the "shadow president" and his band of "musk-o-vites" lay off an entire government agency without bothering to find out what they do -- in real time.

    I'm sad to not be getting out nearly as much as I want, but health issues are getting in the way. But I still sashay about my home in a hobbling sort of way. And if I want to go out with some "fellow travelers" I'll do it. And if I were in a red state I'd do it, too -- just with a little homework in finding a safe place. That SoB can't be the big cheese forever (Congress can't authorize a third term, it'll take a Constitution Amendment). We've been waiting our entire lives for our small steps forward, and they're out there, just a little hazardous right not with the orange menace authorizing (via guaranteed pardons) forceful attacks on things he doesn't approve of. But love is stronger than hate and will win out over the bad guys.

    Stana, I, too, loved seeing Gene Hackman in the movies. His presence in a film seemed to raise its' level a full star. While I loved his dramatic roles, especially in "The Conversation", his later comedy work really knocked my socks off. I'll miss you, Harry Zimm.

  8. I have had a few outings since election day. I have not felt any difference in how the public has reacted to me. I doubt that he has changed many people's sentiment. Rather, he may have emboldened people who already had whatever prejudices... But the biased news sources might be moving people....... I don't know.

    I think the news makes money when people see commercials. I think stressful and upsetting news gets more clicks. He is the click-bait-iest thing in society right now. I sometimes wonder if he chooses what he does based on how much coverage he can get.

