Thursday, March 6, 2025

Not getting any younger

Old age sucks and then you die!

I slipped on the ice and my left side took the brunt of the fall landing on a landscape timber AKA railroad tie. I bruised ribs in the process and have been hurting ever since. 

No femulating for me – I can’t even get seated in the Subaru’s driver’s seat comfortably not to mention squeezing into a panty girdle. 

The healing process has been slow, which I attribute to old age. My housewife chores have been put on the back burner, so I am just sitting around watching the television and browsing the Internet. 

Click here to see a streaming video that I can’t stop watching. 


Wearing Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin femulating on television’s Saturday Night Live.


  1. Excellent choice of livestream! We've watched them, too.

  2. Fascinating live video of the bald eagle nest cam. Addictive.
    Angel Amore

  3. Poor Stana; get well soon.


  4. oh dear! Best wishes to your healing!

  5. Sorry to hear of your fall, Stana. I hope the healing speeds up and you can get back to normal soon. Sue x

  6. There's a movie named "Mom's Night Out" (that I recommend) in which there is a bald eagle streaming video that many of the characters are drawn to for inspirational and comic effect. You made me think of that when you shared your link!

    Take care and get well!


    The title of this blog post is missing a "Y".

  7. I guess lunches for a while.
    It is almost as bad as me watching...

  8. Oh no! Rest up and get better❤️ I guess you'll have plenty of time to watch The Price is Right and dream about being one of those beautiful prize presenters. (I can't be the only one here that used to do that when they were home sick from school, right??)

    1. And then there's Tiffany on Let's Make A Deal! LOL

    2. I’m 76 too! The bad part is we have more behind us than in front of us! Heal as fast as you can. Thank heavens for Game Show network and Spring training games.

    3. The Price is Right when home sick was the best! That along with a Swanson's TV Dinner, if your appetite was there. Barker's Beauties always wore amazing outfits.
      The show just does not have the same pizazz without Bob Barker.

  9. Stana, get well soon and relax and enjoy portable radio listening in the meantime and when your new kitten heels arrive you will be all ok. I am going through physio for a bad knee and hip that is keeping me in flats and yes I worry about falling off my 3 inch heels on the indoor playtime only Hugs Brenda

  10. I wish you the speediest of recoveries. I took a fall on November 14. I had things to do so I passed off the pain in my groin as a bruise and pulled muscles. I walked around for a week on a broken leg. The doctor asked me how I could endure the pain. I told him I assumed pain was part of getting older. I had a hip replacement but have recovered very quickly by working out with a physical therapist at the hospital and with my trainer at the gym. Getting old is not for sissies.

  11. Stana dear, sorry to hear about your calamity. Hopefully you will mend quickly, but enjoy some R&R until then!
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  12. Oh no! So sorry to hear, Stana. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery.

  13. Hope you feel better soon! Your image reminds me of my time in Kazakstan, during winter the university girls walked in high heeled boots over the ice, I used to walk on the same pad because the ice was not slippery die to the heels pitting the ice! Once I had to leave that path, the ice was very slippery indeed! Of course those ladies were very young, we are not! Take care and thanks for your blogging.

  14. Living in New England, slipping and falling during the winter is the nemesis of seniors get well soon sister Paula G

  15. Get well soon, Stana.
    Penny from Edinburgh.
