Saturday, March 15, 2025

Humor in a Jugular Vein


  1. What is the attraction to leopard or zebra print patterned clothing, faux or real ?
    I have seen guys and gals wearing such outfits, from head bands to shoes , coats to
    underwear. A skunk/ polecat pattern does not seem as bewildering . The Tarzan / Jane outfits of leopard print seems so visually 'cheap' I would rather see fitted flour sacks .

    1. Or even loose flour sacks.............................

    2. It is the cult of Animal Prints adored by savvy femulators worldwide. Membership is simple....register and provide a photo of the applicant in a leopard print bra. A newsletter is available bi-monthly with the latest fashions and a member ,"out in the wild" section. Brenda.....

  2. Your maid deserves a Stana Short seal of approval

  3. Stana I just LOVE the someday funnies they very often hit so close to home like today’s maid funny it’s long been a fantasy of mine to be my wife’s maid. Jill

    1. Amen! I often fantasize about being a server for a wife's book club but attired in a white blouse and black skirt with black heels and hosiery. The white blouse would be sheer enough so the lacy white slip's straps and white bra straps would show through. Alas, it will remain a fantasy.

    2. Back in my bachelor pad days, I often cleaned the house in a French Maid uniform, which included a very poofy petticoat that lifted the dress's hem enough to give an eyeful of my panties any time I bent over the slightest bit. Good thing master of the house wasn't home or I may not have gotten all my chores completed;)

  4. I when so far as to ask my wife to buy me a maid outfit for Halloween. Even showed her online. A man can dream maybe next Halloween.

  5. Maybe you should have ordered it and surprised her?

  6. I love that you included "parody" to the Maidenform ad because it was professionally enough done to make you wonder if it is real. To which I say "if only..."

  7. AI is such fun! It is great fun to dress up not only ourselves but our computer generated alter egos as well. On the other hand, AI gives a new dimension to the Bugs Bunny line paraphrased: Computers are diligent but they are so stupid! Your AI photo program has difficulty sorting out legs, as we have seen before. On the front row left, one lady has three legs and another has a maxi skirt with no upper body. On the right, there is another maxi skirt with no body and a lady with different leg wear on each leg. Great fun having a dress up fashion show, though.

    1. Is showing of bra straps done on purpose?

  8. Gail RichardsMarch 16, 2025

    What? No D cup?
