Monday, January 20, 2025

Stuff 55: Far Out?

By J.J. Atwell

No, that’s not a throwback to that 60’s phrase. In this case, I’m talking about being further out of the closet than just group meetings. Let me explain a bit more. 

I’ve actually only been going out as my girl self for about three years. I started by joining a local CD group that held meetings in a private, secure location. Even at that, the prospect of stepping out of the house as JJ was daunting. The whole time I was driving to that first meeting I was wondering if other drivers noticed me. I was literally sweating and shaking. 

It Gets Better

Like many things, the more you do it the easier it gets. That leads to doing more than just going to a meeting in a secure location. Soon it leads to going out to a restaurant as part of a girls’ night out with the group. It’s out, but still a safe environment. No doubt the group has checked out the location ahead of time and knows that it’s a safe place for us to visit. 

That then leads to an outing that might be in a really public location. Perhaps by going out to see a play. Yes, that’s what happened to JJ. Our group decided to do a GNO at a regional playhouse to see Tootsie, the musical. Of course, we preceded it with dinner at a restaurant that none of us had tried before. Both venues were welcoming and we had no difficulty in either place. Still, as part of group of over a dozen, there was some safety in numbers.

Time to Try Something Different

Recently a couple of CD friends and their SOs thought it would be fun to go to see Some Like it Hot, the musical. The theater is a major venue in the middle of the city. No hiding out there. Time to own it and step out in confidence. The location has a huge lobby where people can see and be seen before the show starts. It also has a congested exit at the end of the show where you are in close contact with other patrons. 

The evening turned out to be really fun. The six of us (three CDs with our SOs) went to a restaurant for dinner beforehand. We’ve all been to that restaurant before and knew it was welcoming to us. We had no adverse reactions with anybody who we interacted with at either place. Throughout the evening, we were universally referred to as ladies. The picture accompanying this post was from that night. I added a red shrug as the weather was on the cool side that night for a more festive outfit. 


At the end of the night, four of us (two CDs and our SOs) returned to our house for a nightcap. Funny thing happened then. Once we got in the house, the SOs decided it was time to get comfortable, which was girl code for taking off their bra. I say funny, because neither of us CDs rushed to take off our bra. For us, we enjoyed extending our girl time before returning to guy mode. One of the SOs was heard to say rhetorically that they wondered why we would want to wear a bra. Of course, we needed to wear a bra or our boobs would fall off. Sigh. 

I’ll Be Back

There will be more Stuff. As always, comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff, so if there is something you would like to read about please let me know!

Wearing Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Gale Gordon femulating in an episode of television’s Here’s Lucy.
Gale Gordon femulating in an episode of television’s Here’s Lucy.


  1. The Billboard advert reminds me the artist Edward Hopper. Hugs Brenda

  2. Thanks JJ for some inspiration on taking bigger steps in our outings. There is safety in numbers but also more visibility as a group. Many support groups are very helpful in arranging group outings so sign up for the museum and lunch outing and get out there. The bra removal exercises are always interesting as some remove it through their sleeve after un hooking. Hugs Brenda

    1. Glad you found inspriation Brenda! Our group is aware that big steps out of the closet are often made easier with smaller first steps so we continue to have private meetings in a secure location. Love the suggestions about other group outings. Hugs, JJ

  3. JJ dear, I find the group restaurant thing to be the second hardest thing. Safety in numbers, but you do stand out as a group.
    Definitely try shopping as JJ! Alone or with another GG or CD, you blend right in. Even though stores may treat you well as a male in the ladie’s department, actually presenting as female takes it to a whole new level!

    1. Kathryn PetersJanuary 20, 2025

      Hi Norah, I belong to the same group as JJ and I can attest that we've never been singled out at any restaurant or event as a group! We've always been treated well! But I agree, shopping solo or with my SO is a lot of fun! Hugs, Kathryn

    2. Hi Kathryn! Please know I did not mean singled out in any negative way. I too have dined in groups and were were always treated like royalty! : )
      It was only encouragement that if one can muster the nerve to dine alone, or as a group, seamlessly blending in as a mobile shopper, sightseer, etc. is a piece of cake from my experience.

    3. Agree! 🤗 Kathryn

    4. Hi Norah and my sister Kathryn!
      Yes, going out to a restaurant as part of a group can be a big step. Our group makes it a point to also intersperse meetings in a secure, private location for those taking their fist tentative steps.

      Shopping dressed could be JJ's next big step!
      Hugs, JJ

  4. "Of course, we needed to wear a bra or our boobs would fall off." So funny and so true!!
