Saturday, January 25, 2025

Saturday Funnies

Wearing Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley and Scott Thompson femulating on television's The Kids in the Hall.
Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley and Scott Thompson femulating on television's The Kids in the Hall.


  1. Oh, I imagine Dave Foley will win, he's quite good. That Newsradio bit was excellent.

  2. I often wonder how many father and son crossdressers are actually actively dressing together. I do remember reading an article in a Crossdressing magazine about this very intriguing subject.

    1. I featured a father and son, Jean and Kristen, in the Femulator slot of this post:

  3. I was recently in my local Walmart, following my oft-traveled path through the women's intimates section on the hunt for office supplies when a flash of purple caught my eye. There, sitting on the hosiery rack like a pair of birds, were the cutest pairs of purple tights! I stopped dead in my tracks. I needed those tights in my collection! The problem was, another bargain hunter was at the same rack, looking through the footless tights on the opposite side. Fearing she may soon make her move to the side where my prize lay, I knew I had to act fast. I would not be denied this royal treasure! I walked in quickly and calmly, hoping that at least one of these pairs would be my size. My well-trained eye noted the L on the package on the upper branch and, without hesitation, I took the package from the rack and placed it in my basket. Success! The other shopper looked my direction and I gave her a wink and headed to checkout. What a fabulous and unexpected find💜

  4. You are too much Elise, lol. Winking at others shoppers in the hosiery aisle. : ). Never let your guard down either love. Some aggressive shoppers will take things out of your car!

    1. I'm not sure there's a huge demand for plum tights haha!
