By Norah Blucher
When we last parted, I had just been to a symphony and then unwittingly entered the most bizarre episode of the T-Girl Bachelorette. A show which will not be continuing for a second season, LOL.
A Hairy Situation
I awoke the next morning and began the process of getting ready and packing up. This was supposed to be my “weird” day, though I think the previous night took that crown. It was dreadfully cold and a bit windy, and as I said earlier, Maine is not a “dressy” place at all. Given my day’s agenda, I chose a cream turtleneck sweater with skinny jeans and my tall suede boots. I adore those boots as they not only look smashing, but Cole Haan actually makes the size 10.5 that fits me well and their Nike Air foot bed makes walking in heeled footwear surprisingly comfortable.
My first stop of the day was the world’s only Crypto zoology museum! I’ve know of it’s existence for several years, but just never took the time to go there. Crypto zoology is the study of cryptids, or the sort of mythical animals science has not shown to exist. Big Foot, Nessie, Yetis and the like. One of my favorite shows as a child was “In Search Of” hosted by Leonard Nimoy, which often featured shows on these topics, and though I do not really believe all these things exist, the topic of things we can not explain with science always fascinated me.
The parking meter gave me some trouble, and though I was not sure I had operated it correctly and it failed to print a receipt (It was probably frozen) I said to hell with the consequences and headed in. I found it to be smaller than expected, and though interesting, a bit underwhelming too. Many of the exhibits were just replicas and some, like the ten foot Anaconda found in Maine were easily explainable, as in someone tipped off the police and some fool let their pet go to avoid getting caught.
It was interesting none the less and at one point I found myself next to a young couple who was sort of marveling at the taxidermy figures and wondering how some of it was done. Having not learned my lesson the previous night, I sort of piped in and started explaining some of the finer details of taxidermy! They seemed right impressed, not just with how it was done, but how this blonde lady, who looked like she had no business with taxidermy whatsoever, knew so much. Never judge a book by its cover, loves!
The star attraction was the Sasquatch, which was rather impressive, though I thought it seemed a bit silly with the Santa hat, and looked more akin to “Harry and the Henderson’s” of 80’s movie fame. I’m not sure, but I think a bit of wax, a nice dress, and some makeup and he might not look half bad. Would you agree? He certainly made my shaving routine seem a piece of cake for sure! It was right fun though, and worth the $10 to get in, even if Dr. Spock was not there to narrate for me.
I took one last lap around the little museum, to see if I missed anything, and happened to notice this time, a little exhibit devoted to vintage silk stockings, with a little inscription explaining how heirs of a long forgotten hosiery company had provided the endowment to open this museum. I knew there was something that drew me to this place! I suddenly looked around for Elise as I knew her spirit was clearly with me on this day, hosiery aficionada that she is, LOL.
Having some time to kill before my main event for the evening, I did a bit of shopping afterward. You knew there had to be shopping in here didn’t you? Being the weekend before Christmas I avoided the mall like the plague and stayed on the periphery of town.
While browsing Nordstom Rack I happened to be near a two sided sunglass display and a very tall blonde girl stood up opposite me, trying on a pair in the mirror. She was quite striking, and I commented to her that she should buy the glasses as they just looked smashing with her whole look with her long wool coat and wool beret. The enthusiastic “thank you!” in a thick Swedish accent was quite a surprise for sure, but finding nothing there I wandered over to Burlington and found a great red floral dress. I actually have very little red in my wardrobe and am looking to expand into other color schemes. I also found a cute little book on the history of little black dresses at Barnes and Noble.
Famished at this time I walked over to Applebee’s. The host or hostess was something in our spectrum, though I’m not sure where entirely to be honest, but was very friendly and gave me a good seat near a window. The waiter was also very nice and kept calling me “hon” in a friendly way. Service was slow I must say, and a manager came by a few times to check on things, so maybe he was new. I felt so bad for him when the booth a few down from me was arguing with him over a discount that did not apply to alcohol apparently. This literally went on for 15 minutes over a bloody $3. I understand to some regard, but I’ve better things to do than argue for that long over $3 on a bill for a family of five. Holiday spirit everyone! Anyway, I tipped well, used the ladies room and headed off.
The Light of my Life
My main event was about an hour drive from Portland in Boothbay. Held annually at a botanical garden, they light up a good size section with different displays of lights, and you walk along paths throughout the garden and it was truly impressive.
And it was dreadfully frigid as well. I think it was about ten degrees that night. I had switched to my new femme winter boots before exiting the car and found them to be WONDERFUL! Not the height of fashion, but just the simple rubber bottom, nylon upper, fur trim around the top standard snow boot you have probably seen countless girls wearing at the market or shoveling their walk. Still a bit more femme than the insulated Wellies I see a lot of women wear, but just as practical. In keeping with my Dr. Zhivago theme that weekend, I also added a vest under my coat for extra warmth, and a headband, but was still cold!
My saving grace was some of those little chemical hand warmers that you open up and which heat up for hours. Just a tip girls, but our undergarments give PLENTY of options to stash these little gems. Some small ones in your bra, a large one in the back along your spine is held nicely by a waist cincher, with some in the gloves and pockets and you are good to go girl!
At one point I passed a young couple attempting to take a selfie and offered to take one for them. They happily agreed and she went to give me a stylus and I showed her I had one already. We had a good laugh congratulating ourselves for being smart girls for bringing these so we did not have to remove gloves to operate phones.
Their picture, sadly, came out dark, as did most of mine. The lights photographed well, but tended to drown out faces and people. I did manage to get a few though where I did not appear to be a shadow figure or have neon skin.
Passing was truly a breeze with it being rather dark and all dressed up like every other Eskimo looking girl there, and a few friends have commented that my femme voice sounds remarkably female (I really do need to find a way to record it one day to fully hear myself). I actually noted none of the little eye brow raises, or eyes widening slightly that usually cue me in that I’ve been read. One girl actually came up to me to comment how cute my outfit looked! I thanked her kindly, but admitted I was still colder than I looked.
Aside from the welcome center/gift shop, there was also a large indoor cafeteria, situated in the middle of the grounds, where one could warm up, which I utilized twice in the hour or so I was there to both warm up and check the map to see where I had not been yet. It was over a mile to walk everything if that gives an idea of the scale of the display.
On my way out I stopped back at the gift shop to pick up a pottery dish I had purchased that was shaped like a leaf. They had kindly offered to hold it for me so I did not have to walk the garden with it, writing my name on the bag and tucking it behind the counter. When I went to retrieve it I told them I had a bag on hold for Norah and a young girl working the other side of the counter turned to tell me how much she loved that name and how beautiful it was. No one has ever complimented my name before, but I was very thankful for the much safer attention I had received this night as opposed to the previous one, LOL.
Close Call
I began my long drive home, completely exhausted again, but thankful for another great weekend en femme. It certainly had some unexpected twists, and then some, but I had certainly tested my limits and came out of it alright, and a wiser girl as well.
It was a nice drive though, and I enjoyed seeing the many houses lit up, a nice reprieve in the early darkness of December. I arrived home late as intended and parked near my door, gathering my keys for the short dash inside. As soon as I cracked the door however, turning on the inside car light, I suddenly saw a spotlight come on and headlights heading down the communal driveway I share with my neighbors! My heart literally skipped a beat and I surely mumbled some explicative. I moved quickly, but as I got out I was suddenly pulled by my purse strap that had become entangled in the parking brake lever. Oh hell! Do I ditch it and run, or deal with it?
With the skill of Roy Rogers I somehow snapped my wrist and freed my purse strap and scurried inside, closing the door behind me, just moments before my neighbors drove past. That was a close one for sure! As of yet no one has spotted my blonde mistress, or at they have not asked about her, though I have no significant other so she might not be conjuring any attention either. To be right honest, the more I get out, the less I care about being found out. As I gain comfort in being en femme in public, the thought of having to explain all this to a vague acquaintance like a neighbor I occasionally wave to seems to just not to be a big deal anymore.
I’ve actually given serious thought to coming out to some close friends. I think they would not only be accepting, but there is a good chance they would want to meet Norah and spend time with me as her. I also hate not being able to share some of my outings with them as they would be interested in those things as well, or at least hearing about them. Just a thought for now and nothing I’m set on.
Oh well, one last look in the mirror before washing up to change and unload the car. On a practical level, I’m always curious to see how my makeup holds up after an extended day, and perhaps because it was so cold, it still looked rather good after 10+ hours. It is also just my last look for a while at the face I actually like seeing in the mirror. Sure I can roam my home as I please, but going all the way is so much more rewarding!
So loves, I promised you more than shopping and eating one day, and hope I have not bored you with the results. My aim is to just do as many things I would normally do, but en femme, and I actually find myself more motivated and outgoing en femme as well. If you have any comments, please write below, or e-mail me at nblucher at-sign proton dot me. I love to hear from people and it is never a bother.
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Wearing Shein |
Hi Norah. Great part 2 to your story!
ReplyDeleteIn terms of your voice, I use an app called “Voice Pitch Analyzer” by David Seek LLC. You read a passage and it confirms if your pitch is in the male, neutral or female range. The free version works for me.
Good luck
Thanks for this tip, Sarah-Louise
DeleteWOW! Thank you so much Sarah-Louise!
DeleteI tried it a few times and found it right fascinating. I was never great with reading while speaking aloud, but doing so put me right near the androgynous middle, with a slight skew toward male. Just speaking in my own words like I was having a conversation with someone, I was still firmly androgynous with a slight skew toward female.
I’m not sure if this app looks beyond pitch, but someone told me once that my female voice had a very female speech pattern. She described the raising and lowering of female voices, where males are a bit monotone, and just certain word choices.
Word choice is fascinating all on its own, and I find females much more descriptive, especially with colors. A male might describe someone as a blonde in an orange shirt. A female might describe her as the girl with wheat blonde hair in the pumpkin spice top.
Anyway, thanks again for sharing dear! I will surely practice with this a bit and see if I can improve.
Another well told tale, Sweetie!
ReplyDeleteThank you dear! I love hearing your stories as well. : )
Hi Norah, I simply adore how naturally you participate in all of these events, choosing not to hide in the shadows, but to let your feminine light shine! And I'm so touched that the stocking exhibit made you think of me🥰 I guess my hosiery addiction is quite obvious haha. Sharing all of the details of your adventures makes me feel like I'm there with you and, to be honest, perhaps I wish I was.
ReplyDeleteElise, thank you, and you are most welcome love. At least hosiery is small and compact. My skirt addiction takes up a lot of space! : )
You know Elise, the funny thing is just how much more outgoing I am as female. I enjoy many things as male, but am so much more willing to be social as Norah. I hid more or preferred to be noticed less as male. In social situations I find I am so much less apt to hide as female.
DeleteIt is hard to describe. I still feel a tinge of apprehension before leaving my room or stepping out of my car, but I just take a deep breath, and let myself start being me, and it mostly just happens naturally.
Thank you for taking us along --Paula G
ReplyDeleteAny time Paula!
Been to Portland and Boothbay well after I transitioned into my feminine world and loved both of them!
ReplyDeleteThank you kindly for the info JJ! The actual town of Boothbay was a bit shuttered this time of year, but I would surely return in summer and go down town when everything is open!