Monday, December 30, 2024

Stuff: You Are Not Alone

You Have Company

By J.J. Atwell

You already knew this, right? That’s one of the reasons Femulate exists. When I first started dressing, there was very little information available. But luckily, the Internet has made it easier to connect with others. I’ve found that talking to other CDs helps me cope with my own dressing activities. It gives me confidence when I go out and it also gives me more opportunities to actually go out. 

But How to Find Others?
Via the Internet, there are lots of ways to find like-minded people. There is the ubiquitous Google search. But the results from that can be overwhelming and might not be helpful. Tread carefully when using this method. Follow the links with some skepticism and perhaps, use a browser in private mode. 

A better method might be to join one of the many online boards that are specifically for people like us? Some popular ones are, and When you join one of those sites, you can search for info about local groups. Just a heads-up: get your girl-self her own email address and use that when you join one of those groups under your female persona. 

And of course, right here on there are some handy resources over on the right side of the page as you scroll down. Be sure to check out the sites that Stana has included. 

Joining a Group

Using the above suggestions resulted in me finding a local CD group a few years ago. After a bit of hesitancy, I finally got up the courage to contact them. There was a screening interview by phone with one of the officers, which is a good security measure for any such gathering. Once I passed that I was given the location and date for the group’s next meeting. 

So now comes an even bigger hurdle for those who haven’t been out the door: actually getting dressed and driving to the meeting. I remember my first time and I was both exhilarated and scared. I was worried that other drivers were looking in my car window and might “read” me. Well nothing happened other than just dealing with traffic. Hint: that’s the same no matter how you are dressed. 

Stepping out of the car and into the meeting location caused another wave of butterflies in my stomach. But I had come this far and wasn’t going to turn back now. As it happened, the group was very welcoming. I was able to chat with the members and slowly my tension drained away. I was out! 

Going Beyond the Group

By attending regular group meetings, I struck up some real friendships with other CDs and their SOs. That led to invitations to go out to other venues, dressed or not. It also gave my SO a chance to talk to the other SOs about how they deal with a CD husband. There are real benefits to joining a group beyond just the opportunity to get dressed. If you don’t already belong to a CD group, I hope you’ll find your way to your first group meeting.

I’ll Be Back

There will be more Stuff. As always, comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff so if there is something you would like to read about please let me know!

Wearing Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Guy Siner femulating in British television’s ‘Allo ‘Allo!
Guy Siner femulating in British television’s ‘Allo ‘Allo!


  1. Why the avatar? You are a nice looking woman , so keep your picture up there.

    I one appreciated the availability of support groups-In Manchester there was the Northern Concord to which I went as often as possible when visiting that city (I live in Belgium) , but now I have the confidence and wardrobe enough to allow me to be out and about, I prefer to be with female friends so we can do girly/woman things together; theatre very occasionally, the movies, ladies lunches once a month or so and shopping

    I'm not sure that I'd be happy now with a TG group out in the world.

    However, if you are just starting out, my advice would be to find a support group that has a relationship with a dressing service who can help the woman become real. Though now, as mores have relaxed it's possible that the understanding girl friend will be the best source of advice and, if you are lucky clothes as well.

    Lily (81 and a happy 71 year old woman, with, I admit and regret a serious desire to wear young women's styles or really retro, 1950's undies included)

    1. JJ here - Thanks for the feed back Lily. I was just playing around with a new program when I created that image. Thought I'd use it for a change but real pictures will be returning shortly after the new year. I hope you like them.

      Understand about preferring to be out with female friends as well. So nice to be part of the club as it were.

  2. Kathryn PetersDecember 30, 2024

    I absolutely second everything JJ said in her Stuff. Having experienced everything she has, I've been able to expand Kathryn's world beyond hiding in the closet. I joined the same group a few years before JJ did and it was instrumental in changing my life! And now, I'm the incoming President and JJ is my new Vice President! Also, Having support for your SO is a great thing to help them understand people like us. Good job, JJ!

    1. JJ here - Thanks so much Kathryn! You've been a great help to me and others in the group.

  3. Great topic JJ!
    I found it was best to just start SOMEWHERE. Finding one group on-line, I got connected with a more informal group that does not really advertise, and just gets together occasionally with those they know.
    The events are always smashing, but then you get to connect with others, form friendships, and then plan outings or lunches/dinners with friends. You then begin to learn how many of us there are out there, and many will go out more, in between group outings, if they have a mate to go with them.
    It is always fun to bump into others who are on Femulate as well!

    1. JJ here - You are so right Norah. We just need to start somewhere. That's the big leap and once done things get easier.

  4. I have attended two crossdressing events. One was a Be All in Chicago. I snuck away from work that day, dressed up in the hotel's bathroom, and mingled a little. I was pleased with myself for finding the courage to at least show up.

    That emboldened me to attend a monthly TriEss meeting in the Chicago area. That time I got a room and when I stepped out of it I was dressed up from head to toe as a woman. It was thrilling. The evening went downhill from there.

    At the newcomers gathering, I didn't feel the support from others that I hoped to find. Some were militant about finally coming out. One even encouraged any of us who were concerned how crossdressing might affect our family life instructed us to tell anyone who wasn't accepting to F themselves.

    When I said that my wife hadn't signed onto any of this when we were married and that I had to consider her. One attendee scoffed and said, "you're not a true crossdresser. You're a fetishist."

    I replied, "I'm wearing panties, pantyhose, and a wool skirt and you say I'm not a crossdresser. You don't know anything about me."

    I never went back. I realize that was one meeting years ago, but I've never found the camaraderie I'd hoped to find in the CDing world.

    I have dreams of being a pretty girl and finding acceptance on the streets too, but that's not been my reality. I'm sure that there are others like me.

    I do appreciate this website.

    1. JJ here - I shake my head at the reception you got at that meeting. I hope that you continue to search for other groups and will find one more supportive.

    2. I understand what you're writing. My wife never signed up for my cross dressing. "If I wanted to be married to a woman, I would have married a woman," she said. We entered a deep DADT marriage. She is supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, but it's NIMBY without any terse comments. Before the internet there was zero possibility to engage with like minded individuals. I did find a telephone number of a "support" group in Seattle, who were extremely rude when I called. Why put a telephone number in a newspaper, if you're going to act like an ass? I can only hope they would never be on a suicide hotline. When I needed help the most, it was not there.

  5. i was saying to some folks the other day that everywhere I worked for corporations there was such toxicity. I also said same with clubs. That is society....and that gathering demonstrated that. I would think that the sisters would support each other better but I am sure there are groups that are less toxic. I joined one group for ladies tea and it was a sex fest party instead. I joined a group at a safe restaurant and it was an awesome out and about. Sure some crossdressers are obsessed with stilletos and girdles. Others are into pantyhose fetish. So you may have to search out a group or start a small group of like minded friends. May 2025 bring more peace and more heels
