Monday, December 9, 2024

1 x 2

Hannah posted her 2024 Performance Review last week and enumerated her blog’s 2024 ranking according to Feedspot. Her blog did very well ranking 7th, 5th and 10th place in three categories listed below. 

My narcissist side, which is closely related to my feminine side, had to see how Feedspot ranked in 2024. Here are the results: is ranked number 1 of the 45 Best Crossdressing Blogs and Websites in 2024. is ranked number 1 of the 35 Best Trans Woman Blogs and Websites in 2024. is ranked number 7 of the 70 Best Transgender Blogs and Websites in 2024.


And so it goes!

Wearing Shein
Wearing Shein

British professional femulator Terry Dunham, circa 1974

British professional femulator Terry Durham, circa 1974

Gloria sent me a newspaper clipping from 1978 about Terry Durham. According to the article from Reveille, Terry “reckons he has another six years in the business but there is one thing he will never leave behind – his 40-inch bosom.”

It seems that Terry took a course of hormones circa 1950 “and his shapely figure helped him become a top-line act in the clubs.”


  1. That's Terry Durham, not Dunham. The British Film Institute has for free online What's a girl like you, in which she does a striptease (hsven't watched it yet)

  2. I'd put you as no 1, too. And my narcissist side is not jealous at all, no no. lol! Keep up the good work. Sue x

  3. I'm not at all surprised at those results Stana. It's a testimony to your hard work in maintaining this site. Hugs, JJ

  4. Not surprising at all. Your blogs been the best for 15 years. Great job. I wonder how many unique visitors you get in a given week. I bet it’s. A lot.

  5. You provided an excellent resource and a place of community, so many of us come here each day just to touch base with our peers, to know that we are not alone, and that there are others like us, who understand us, and want us to be happy Paula G

  6. A valuable resource and community to us gurls out there needing support and how to better themselves in so many ways Thanks for your tireless effort Stana. Instead of editing columns with your legs crossed you could be out and about but you choose the task to post every day. Brenda

  7. #1 in the polls and #1 in our hearts! Thank you for the community you've created and nurtured:)

  8. Wonderful Stana on the ranking !

  9. So glad to see the recognition of your blog! It's a wonderful site and tremendous resource.

  10. Terry Durham also had small breast implants and did a strip tease act.
