Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Designed for Girls Like Us

If you crossdress with only panties underneath then urinating is simple, but if you wear any kind of shapewear, then urinating is not so simple. Besides raising your skirt or lowering your slacks, you then have to deal with your hosiery (if any) and finally your shapewear. And when you are relieved, you have to reverse the process all within the confines of a narrow cubicle. Exiting the cubicle, the chances that you are put together as well as you were on the way in is hit or miss. Yes, being a woman is hard work!

Over the years, I have worn a variety of shapewear. You name it and I probably encountered it. Early on, I noticed something in one of my mother’s girdles – an unadvertised feature – a pee hole. A little slit in the girdle’s crotch that allows milady to pee without removing her shapewear. 

I am not sure about the intricacies of female urinary plumbing, but it seems to me that the pee hole might not be adequate for miladies – so much so that there are products on the market to accessorize the pee hole to prevent wetting the shapewear.

On the other hand, pee holes are ideal for girls like us. Just pull your equipment out through the pee hole, empty your bladder, use toilet paper to wipe any excess from your equipment, then store your equipment back through the pee hole! Voila! Your shapewear remained intact doing its thing. You didn’t even have to lower your thigh highs, however, if you are a pantyhose girl, you still have to lower your hosiery.

After discovering pee holes, I made sure to only purchase shapewear that included that feature. And if I absolutely had to have a new girdle missing that feature, I just removed some stitching in the crotch for a DIY pee hole.

Wearing ModCloth
Wearing ModCloth

Jorge Chacón
Jorge Chacón

Monday, November 25, 2024

Missed Miss Opportunity

Fall of 1974, I was working in a quick print shop in Kingston, New York. Next door to the shop was a woman’s clothing boutique. The print shop and boutique were in the same building, an old Victorian home, and the back rooms of the print shop and the boutique were separated by an unlocked door.

The boutique owner/proprietor was a woman in her mid-50’s. Initially, we were just acquaintances, but we became friendlier after she forgot her keys one day and I let her get into her store via the unlocked door that separated our back rooms. After that we chatted almost once a day and became better acquainted.

Over time, I noticed a couple of gents who shopped at her store on more than one occasion, so one day I asked her about her male customers. She quickly responded that they were “transvestites” and that she had about a half dozen male customers who were so inclined.

“That's interesting,” was my reply.

Then she added, “You look to be a size 16. I have some outfits in your size that would look lovely on you.”

I didn’t see that coming! I was very embarrassed and could only manage to squeak out, “Thanks, but no thanks.”

“If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”

I thought about it often, but never took her up on her offer.


I was very closeted back then and up to that time, I had only gone out en femme once and that was for Halloween. While in Kingston, I was living out of a Holiday Inn and often dressed in my room, but never stepped out of that room en femme, although I did visit an old school lingerie store in Kingston en homme and purchased an all-in-one (you can read about that adventure by clicking here).

As I mentioned here before, I am a feminine guy and I assume the boutique owner recognized that and along with my question about her male customers, put two and two together and correctly guessed my "hobby."

And so it goes!

Wearing ModCloth
Wearing ModCloth

Lena in Sydney, circa 1985

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Someday Funnies


Wearing Mac Dougal
Wearing Mac Dougal

George Zargon  femulates for the University of Pittsburgh’s Cap and Gown Club’s production of Pickets, Please!, which was directed by Gene Kelly.
George Zargon  femulates for the University of Pittsburgh’s Cap and Gown Club’s production of Pickets, Please!, which was directed by Gene Kelly.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Sorta Before and After

In 1938, the University of Pittsburgh’s humor magazine, Pitt Panther, published an advertisement parody from Kaufmann’s, a Pittsburgh department store. In the parody, male college students modeled both male and female outfits! 

The parody notes that “Both the male and co-ed’s clothes are from Kauffmann’s.”

Sam Hamilton, ’41, sporting the very popular bush shirt and a foulard bandana for a tie . . . trying to make up his mind whether he likes himself in a grey crepe outfit, with Schiaparelli’s circus color binding the hip length cape and belt. The Breton is circus green Ain’t you jealous?

Bill Hoeveler, ’39, wearing one of the new ribbed Lisle shirts, diagonal weave sports jacket and apple-bowl pipe . . . eye-ing himself in tis lovely taffeta and diet creation – note the brief bolero and girdle of taffeta. It looks like love at first sight, folks.

The. First layer is a Kaufmann jacket-shirt, the second layer is a Kaufmann pirate-stripe sports shirt, and the third layer is George Zargain, ’42 . . . On the distaff side, vote a chiffon dinner dress with shirred high-low waistline. Shirred cuffs hold the sleeves in place – but who’s going to hold back the navy?

Ed Hollstein, ’40, wearing a Tyrolean slope-crown top-piece and weather-resistant military cord topcoat . . .Also a spring ensemble of beige crepe dress, finger-tip Dubonnet jacket, and Dubonnet rough straw sailor with bird trim. Must be a blind date. 

Wearing ModCloth
Wearing ModCloth

Bill Hoeveler femulates for the University of Pittsburgh’s Cap and Gown Club’s production of Pickets, Please!, which was directed by Gene Kelly.
Bill Hoeveler femulates for the University of Pittsburgh’s Cap and Gown Club’s production of Pickets, Please!, which was directed by Gene Kelly.