Monday, October 14, 2024

Stuff: About Me

By J.J. Atwell

What are my qualifications?

I’ve been writing “Stuff” for Stana to publish for the better part of a year. By my count, this is episode 47 of Stuff. Some weeks I’ve missed, but mostly Stuff gets posted on Femulate weekly. I’ve received lots of good feedback on my posts and I thank you all for that. 

But you may be wondering what qualifies me to write a column like this for the CD/TG world? Absolutely nothing. Well, I suppose the fact that I am a CD is a qualification. In that case, I suppose life is my qualification. 

I am not an expert!

Just because I write this column and Stana sees fit to publish it doesn’t make me an expert. Perhaps even Stana doesn’t consider herself an expert. The caution “…just because you found it online doesn't mean it is true” certainly applies to my writings here. Please keep an open mind when reading Stuff in particular, as well as anything else you read online.  

Why should you read Stuff?

Hopefully, you find my perspective on the CD world and the issues we face in society to be interesting. But I want to stress that I have no academic qualifications for my comments here. I only have my experience and observations. Some of you have legitimate questions about your life that are best answered by professionals. I’m not one of them. Instead, I prefer to relate what I’ve learned over the many, many years of being a CD. 

What I would love for you to get out of my Stuff is a unique perspective on CD’ing – mine, yours and from the world’s view, in general. Some things I write are for you to think about as you proceed on your CD journey. Perhaps you will find something to expand your knowledge and acceptance of being a CD. If you do that, I’ve accomplished by objective.

I’ll be back

I’ll be back with more Stuff in the next installment. Comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff so let me know what you would like to read about.

Wearing Paige
Wearing Paige

Lena and friends out an about down under
(left to right: Di, GG, Lena, GG)


  1. Love your stuff. You always have great stuff! I look forward to your stuff. Keep your stuff up JJ

  2. "Stuff" is always great JJ. Sometimes it is pragmatic, other times it just makes us think deeply. The diversity of knowledge and opinions on the blog here is its strength, and why it is such a special place.

    Nice to see the ladies down under out and about! I wonder how many different countries are represented here on the blog? Probably so many more than we realize!
