Tuesday, September 24, 2024


I'm taking a vacation. I will be back real soon now!


  1. Enjoy your self! We’ll be here.

  2. Enjoy! See you here when you return.

  3. Enjoy an rest!

  4. Enjoy your vacation as your female self while we revisit older posts

  5. Hope you get some time to relax! JJ

  6. Enjoy, hope you get to be pretty.

  7. The break room, usually a quiet oasis, was transformed into a chaotic carnival. Paula G led the charge, her energy sparking a spontaneous conga line that snaked through the room.

    A makeshift bar had appeared, its surface groaning under the weight of bottles. Champagne corks popped, spraying bubbly into the air as colleagues clinked glasses. The aroma of wine and beer mingled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

    As the party grew more exuberant, the festivities spilled out into the auditorium. The stage, once a solemn platform, was now a vibrant spectacle. A troupe of drag queens performed lip-syncs and dance routines that had the crowd roaring.

    The dance floor was a whirlwind of movement, as employees of all ages twirled and swayed to a mix of pop, rock, and disco hits. Confetti cannons blasted colorful streamers into the air. The laughter and cheers were deafening.

    It was a night of pure abandon, a chance for the employees to let loose and celebrate the unexpected absence of their demanding CEO. The break room bash had become a legendary event, a testament to the power of spontaneity and joy.

    PS Have a good Break Stana Love Paula G

    1. This is great🥳 Reminds me of the Jimmy Buffett song "Gypsies in the Palace".

    2. .......In consideration of her fabulous contributions to the company, Paula G was not removed from her position by the demanding CEO. It was not long after the epic celebration, however, that she was reassigned to a remote office, and sent on frequent travel assignments, thus beginning a beautiful life of business trip femulation. Lol

      Have a wonderful, and well deserved holiday Stana! We'll do our best to keep Paula under control. : )

  8. I wish you a lovely break, and hope you come back totally refreshed, Stana.
    Penny from Edinburgh.

  9. Oh gee, Stana's going to come back to a place trashed by another one of Paula's parties...

  10. Have fun! Please send us a postcard📸

  11. A well deserved vaca, Enjoy!

  12. Perhaps while she is on vacation, Stana could have given us a topic to discuss amongst ourselves as Mike Myers did in his fabulous SNL femulating role as Linda Richman in Coffee Talk☕️

    1. I think she sort of did hon. Stana can't be far off, as our posts keep appearing, and I don't think that happens until she approves them. Perhaps this was Stana's gentle reminder that autumn is here and we need to get out and femulate ourselves?????

  13. If you're going somewhere warm, make sure you slip into a cute one piece swimsuit for us!
