Monday, September 2, 2024

Trump’s Transgender Agenda

Donald Trump’s hidden agenda (Project 2025) outlines several policies that will significantly impact transgender individuals if convicted felon Trump is elected president. Here are some key points:

Reduction in Protections – Convicted felon Trump’s agenda will roll back protections established by the 2020 Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which extended Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Gender-Affirming Care – Convicted felon Trump’s agenda will cut federal funding for gender-affirming care for both children and adults. This will limit access to necessary medical treatments and support for transgender individuals.

Legal and Social Recognition – Convicted felon Trump’s agenda equates being transgender to “transgender ideology” and suggests it should be outlawed. This will lead to increased legal and social challenges for transgender people, affecting their ability to live openly and authentically.

Federal Policies – Convicted felon Trump’s agenda encourages the next conservative president to implement policies that favor traditional definitions of gender and family, which will undermining the rights and recognition of transgender individuals.

Convicted felon Trump’s agenda has sparked significant concern and opposition from LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, who argue that such policies will reverse hard-fought progress and harm the transgender community.


  1. Please Please. Vote Blue. Stop the Pumpkin Prince before he ruins this country. How can anyone back this man? Medicare and Social Security are in jeopardy also. Actually the American way of life is in jeopardy with this Cheeto. 13 people died 1/6/21 while he watched TV. Said he would pardon those responsible too if elected.

    1. My cousin thinks she’s going to get a stimulus check again. She must be like the rest of the dumbass people!

  2. Just to add a somber note to this, remember that even a loss by that truly horrifying POS Trump will not end our concerns for all the issues raised by Stana. Do you really think whoever the 2028 GOP nominee may be will set aside all the Project 2025 aspirations? This will be a never ending fight unless some miracle completely eliminates the GOP. As long as the right is going to accuse us of indoctrination, let's be certain to indoctrinate people to vote Blue!
