Monday, September 23, 2024

Stuff: What do GGs think of us?

By J.J. Atwell

I don’t really know!

So why write about it? Because I’m genuinely curious. And I encourage you to think about it, too. 

The few GGs (genetic girls) I’m out to find it “interesting.” What a great, non-definitive word. Kind of reminds me of that old curse “may you live in interesting times.”

Just because several GGs know and accept my girl side, I don’t assume that reflects on what all GGs think. In fact, my sample size is very small and it is definitely slanted towards GGs who would be favorable. After all, I wouldn’t have come out to them if I didn’t think they would be OK with it. 

Are we different?

Well, yes we are different. And it’s not just the difference in our bodies. As guys we are raised differently and have different life experiences and women, of course have very different life experiences. How we live our lives is heavily influenced by societal norms. 

As crossdressers we are in the awkward position of bridging the gap between the two worlds. Kind of like the boater with one foot on the dock and one in the boat. A challenge to hold it together without falling. We need to spend time observing and emulating the women around us. Behaving as a guy while presenting as female raises lots of questions. 

You know the typical questions we get when we out ourselves to a woman. Are you gay? Aren’t you happy as a guy? Do you want to become a woman? Why do you do this? All perfectly reasonable questions from the women. How many of us have reasonable answers? 

Have you adequately communicated that to the women in your life? I try to do that but I pretty much fail at the why question. All I know is that I enjoy it when I get dressed and present as female. I suppose enjoyment is a valid answer to that big question. At least I hope the women in my life agree. 


In the end, I suspect the answer to the question, “what do GGs think of crossdressers is all over the place.” Some love us. Some detest us. Some (most?) just don’t think about us at all. It’s not as if most GGs encounter crossdressers at all. They’ve probably seen drag queens on TV or even in person, but the ordinary run-of-the-mill crossdresser? Not so much. So they really don’t understand us any more than we understand ourselves. 

How do we handle this? Basically by being good human beings. By showing support for others. 

By helping others we can help ourselves. And maybe others will be willing to help us. In a word – respect.

I’ll be back

I’ll be back with more Stuff in the next installment. Comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff so let me know what you would like to read about.

Wearing Bebe
Wearing Bebe

A beautiful femulating sister out and about.

Hey Girls! I love photos of out-and-about girls like us. If you have an out-and-about photo that you are willing to share here, email it to me and I will publish it in a future post.

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