Saturday, August 17, 2024

Thank You!

I want to publicly thank the handful of readers who have contributed to my Coffee Break! Fund.

I wish I could thank each of you by name for your generous gifts, but I do not want to out anybody, so personal thank you’s will continue via personal emails. However, I do want to acknowledge you as best as I can publicly, so THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Trending: His & Her Outfits

Wearing Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Femulating on the New York City stage in Pageant: The Musical.
Femulating on the New York City stage in Pageant: The Musical.


  1. Several years ago Pageant: the Musical was put on in my small city. Some of my friends and I attended en femme. Getting all glammed up we all wore really nice dresses with all the etc! After the show several of the cast members had a meet and greet with any interested audience members in the theater's lobby.

    It was fun. They complimented me on my dress and said that I should consider joining the cast. (They were being nice). However, it was a fun evening.

  2. Stana, I contributed via Paypal, but now it won't pass on my contributions. Is there another way to fill your Coffee Cup?

    1. I'm curious what happened with PayPal. Did it say why it would not pass your contribution?
