Saturday, August 3, 2024

Joey's Prom-Like Experience

By Joey of Joeypress fame

Hi, I am Joey. I am a full-time man who sometimes wears women's clothes while being a man.  I have never been to prom while dressed pretty, but I have gone ballroom dancing a few times.  This is the story of one of those experiences from July 2018.

While dressed pretty, I drove to a town that was about one hour from my house and had an all-day outing. The big event of that day was a ballroom dancing event that occurs monthly. This was my first time attending one of these events. I wore a red top and a flowy, black, knit skirt that was hung to my knees. 

I entered the dance hall and found myself an empty table. There was an open dance lesson going on. I joined in the lesson and started learning The Hustle. I joined the circle as a “leader.” Occasionally, the “followers” would rotate. I was able to meet and dance with several of the ladies. No one mentioned my outfit.

My stress and worries faded away and I had a very nice time. After the lesson, I returned to my table to find two women sitting there. I said hello and learned their names. Then I stepped away to get food. When I returned from the buffet, I sat with an empty chair between one of the women and myself. She told me to move next to her. We started talking. I asked if they were together (versus just being friends who arrived separately) and they told me they were married.

After I ate, I started dancing with ladies. Sometimes I asked for the dance. A few times, a woman came over to where I was and asked me to dance. Other times, a woman would come over to where I was, but not speak to me. She would stand close by watching the people dance. If I made eye contact, she reacted expectantly. Then I would ask her to dance. It was quite surprising to me that women would come to me hoping that I would ask them to dance. It was very nice!

Two different times, I was asked if I was part of some Scottish thing in town. A couple of other people mentioned my “kilt.” I was also asked if I do Contra Dancing. (It is a regular occurrence to see a man wearing a long skirt at a Contra Dance.) No one seemed put off by me wearing a skirt. Instead, one woman spoke positively to me as she walked by. She said, “I love it!” A few men spoke to me about dancing and gave pointers. Several more men shook my hand and greeted me. I was completely welcome. I was so happy. I was so very, very happy.

Sadly, I do not have any pictures from this event.  Included is a picture from a swing dance that I went to in 2014. The swing dance was nice, but the ballroom dance was a dressier event. The women wore such pretty dresses, and it was much more prom-like.

Wearing Venus
Wearing Venus

Just another boy going to the prom!
Just another boy going to the prom!


  1. Love the picture of just another boy going to the prom. Gosh there’s something about red high heels that really make an outfit look good Paula G

  2. What a cutie! - Juliet
