Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hair Affairs

By Norah Blucher

For so many it is all about the clothes and while I positively obsess over clothes as much as anyone, hair is on an equally high pedestal for me. Perhaps, coming from a family of hair stylists, it’s genetic, but tailors and seamstresses are also in the tree, so perhaps I’m just blessed... or cursed. My accountant and the local outlet mall would likely give you differing opinions. 

I always felt that one’s hair says so much about them. People regularly change clothes to fit their job or task du jour, but hairstyle or color are less mutable, though we often have broader liberty to pick something we like. Beyond what just may look good on a person, the pragmatic bob, sleek and professional coif, sassy perm, long elegant layers, edgy razor cut and dramatic colors speak volumes to who we are or desire to be.

Many of us here have some obstacles to the style we fancy though, be they appeasing the social norms of another life, practical reasons of work or lifestyle or our own bio hair just won’t cooperate or has even abandoned us! Whatever those reasons may be, the solution many of us turn to in order to get the look we desire is wigs. The options are endless these days and rather than view wigs as a crutch, look at them as the endless possibilities they are. I have certainly made my share of poor choices in my quest for the perfect do as well, so I hope to share with you some of the hard things I have learned along the way, as well as the fun! 

Human Hair or Synthetic?

Wigs can be procured in both human hair and synthetic versions. Human hair is obviously going to be the most lifelike; it is real hair after all, but it has some drawbacks to be aware of. It is expensive for one. A good human hair wig is going to run several times the cost of a good synthetic one with similar features. Natural hair also requires more care, so unless you like a straight style, expect to spend time styling your wig regularly, as any other girl would do with her hair. That said, it can be a lot of fun, too. 

Also note that though human hair wigs usually come in less styles and colors than synthetics, they can be cut and colored any way you like. Just for the love of god, please have a professional do this, unless you are experienced, less you drop the equivalent of a mortgage payment on something you wouldn’t wear to pull weeds from the garden.

If you are new to wigs, like to own many styles, can’t be bothered fixing your hair every day or cost is a factor, synthetic wigs are the way to go. Truth be told, I only own one human hair wig and seldom take it out and I like hair! Modern synthetic hair wigs look so lifelike, require so little fuss, are so much less expensive and come in so many styles and colors – there is something for everyone. Best of all, the style is baked into the wig and lasts, which is quite nice when your prep routine is likely too long as it is. 

Some special synthetics can also be restyled with heat tools, so you can change the look if you want and then it stays that way until you change it. Heat resistant fibers also tend to be a bit more dull and lack that tell-tale shine regular synthetics can have. Can life get any better! Just note, you need heat styling tools with a low setting and there is some skill involved. Unless you are going for an extreme restyle, a round barrel brush and a hair dryer on low is a bit more forgiving as well.

Let’s just say yours truly used a steamer once to get the frizzies out of her favorite wig (a legitimate method), got a bit over zealous and straightened the whole thing out! After shedding some tears, as though I had literally just maimed my best friend, I was fortunately able to restyle her. She never looked like she did originally, but is still rather cute and certainly as one-of-a-kind as her owner. We’ve enjoyed many more happy memories together since, so that cloud did have a silver lining!

We’re Just Getting Warmed-Up Here

I have hopefully gotten you thinking about a few things for now, so I’ll leave you to that, but I promise to be back real soon to talk more about where and how you can get the locks you desire and start your own hair affair. Until then, keep calm and wig out! Questions and comments are always welcome below or e-mail me at nblucher at-sign proton dot me.

Wearing Paula Young
Wearing Paula Young

Marek Kaliszuk femulating Ariana Grande on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo.
Marek Kaliszuk femulating Ariana Grande on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo.
You can view this femulation on YouTube.


  1. For those of us who want to grow their natural hair, I have done the following to enhance my hair:
    1) I have been on estrogen for over 12 years. I welcome my overall feminine appearance and the calming effects. I no longer consume alcohol to excess.
    2) I spray my hair once a day with minoxidil.
    3) I take skin, nail, and hair gummies.


  2. I used to go to the Paula Young factory store in West Bridgewater Mass all the time for my wigs. They are VERY TG friendly and I was treated so well with respect and compassion.

    The customers were always curious and made friends with me also.

    So if anyone is looking for a fun place for an outing try the Paula Young factory store.

    BTW they will let you try on as many wigs as you like too!

    Paula G

    1. John - Thanks for sharing this. I have also found Awapuhi oil to be a great hair treatment for your own bio hair or human hair wigs as well.

      Paula - I never knew wig companies had factory stores. This sounds like Disneyland to me, and I may visit this place one day!

  3. Good article and lovely photo.
    It's a bit like cross-dressing 101, but it's good to rehearse the basics and you always learn something!
    All the best, Penny

    1. Thank you for the kind words Penny, you made me blush. : ) This has actually been the first time I took photos of myself. I was rather hesitant at first, but seeing all the great photos Stana and everyone posts, and what a supportive group this is, I took a deep breath and jumped into the big pond. So glad I did too!

      More tips and info to come, so I hope every one at every level is able to learn something by the end.
      Warm wishes,

  4. Very helpful article Norah! Looking forward to the future installments. JJ

    1. Thank you so much JJ! : ) So much talent and good advice on this blog here, I am honoured to contribute. Keep the shopping advice rolling on your end girl!

  5. Hi Norah, thanks for all the hair advice. I often thought that a poor quality wig was the surest way to ruin an otherwise flawless femulation.

    And let me just say, your hair is simply fabulous! I'm looking at one of the "Femulate Her" photos when I look at your photo😍

    1. Thank you Elise, you are so sweet. I don't know about me being "Femulate Her" material, but I like the way you think. I actually got that wig mostly so I could do "messy bun" up-dos, but after some of the comments here, I may let her down and wear her more often.
      I do agree about poor wigs ruining a good femulation though. Most men seem to seldom notice hair, but women tend to notice every detail right off.

  6. Love that you are including columns about hair care. I have been trans all my life and still struggle with proper hair care, so thanks for including this and look forward to more info in the future!

    1. Hi Jazz. I assume you are referring to your natural bio hair? Every one's hair is different, and some of us just have difficult hair to deal with. If you have not done so already, you may do well to go to a good salon and schedule a wash and a consult. A good stylist should be able to recommend some products and show you some techniques to help. Think of it as a hair makeover.
      If you are not sure where to go, ask someone who has nice hair where they go and who their particular stylist there is. (It's not the salon that matters, it's the stylist.) It is quite a complement to them, and you may get a great referral.
      Good luck!
