Sunday, August 4, 2024

Femulating Fiction

Something different this Sunday: a work of illustrated femulating fiction from frequent Femulate contributor Paula Gaikowski. 

Click here to read “A Summer in Satin.”

Wearing Nine West
Wearing Nine West

Fran Heuser, womenswear model
Fran Heuser, womenswear model


  1. The story should be on Big Closet Top Shelf. Please post it there!

  2. Lovely story. Little confusing at times. After work no shower or shave straight into a dress? Coworkers reaction to change overnight. Maybe I’m overthinking it. Enjoyed it!

    1. Glenda this is a great feedback, thank you very much. I am glad you enjoyed part of it and I’ll keep your suggestions in mind in the future I model the stories after those old Sandy Thomas Novelltes that were popular back in the 1990s, your suggestion about the coworkers reactions make sense we could’ve had a lot of fun with their reactions, one thing that is difficult is keeping the stories at a moderate length, and not turning them into a huge novel, anyone else who has suggestions please let me know. Just glad to get feedback on all of this Paula G

  3. That's a lovely story Paula. As a teenager I used to dream about getting a job in a women's clothes shop, where I could try on the clothes, and eventually get to wear them for work. I'm looking forward to reading more

    1. Hi Carolyn, In high school I worked in the men's department of a large department store, but close enough to the women's department where I could ogle all of the latest styles. On one fortuitous occasion I was asked to help unload boxes in the women's intimates stock room. I was the proverbial kid in a candy store! They may have been missing a few pairs of silky and lacy underthings at the end of my shift...

  4. Hi Paula, I have not yet had the chance to finish your lovely story, but I've truly enjoyed what I've read so far! Your details are very authentic and I'm sure would resonate with most readers of this blog.

    I've gotta admit: I've always fantasized about having an Aunt Kathy, a fairy godmother to guide me through the hours of becoming a woman. I can't wait to read the rest of their adventures together!
