Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Rest of Trump’s Hidden Agenda


  1. AnonymousJuly 21, 2024

    You have been warned! If you believe Trump saying he has no connection with Project 2025 and its objectives, then you are a total fool.

  2. Thanks for highlighting this evil agenda!

  3. Would recommend

  4. AnonymousJuly 21, 2024

    Trump is nothing more than the figurehead for this extreme right wing agenda. If what is happening were to be a fiction novel made into a hit movie nobody would believe it would ever happen. But it is. SCOTUS already has been delivered to the extreme right. What SCOTUS decides is law. Of course, if the extreme right controls both houses of Congress and the Presidency, there is nothing to stop it. The checks and balances are on a thread right now. How much more before it snaps? Mitch McConnell suspended the need for a 60% majority in the Senate to confirm the three liars to SCOTUS. Why would any not believe the rules will be tossed aside if the MAGAs took control of the Senate? Dark days ahead.

  5. AnonymousJuly 21, 2024

    the end of the republic as we know it

  6. AnonymousJuly 21, 2024

    Who is this madman? What has our country done with sanity?

  7. AnonymousJuly 21, 2024

    Just from having conversations with my allies. They have stated that bad actors in our community have brought this on. Trans competing in women’s sports. Locker room issues, drag shows in school. They really didn’t care about us until it started affecting theirs daughters. I’m not a trump fan...but I also know a lot of this is just fear for no reason. My allies still respect me...but not all of us as a community.

    1. AnonymousJuly 21, 2024

      Unfortunately, that's the way it is. I have to concur with you. We have trans and gays/lesbians in our family. Everyone respects them. I have acquaintances who rail against anyone and everyone who is not like them. You can talk to you're blue in the face that the predators are usually scout leaders, clergy, sports coaches and not trans men and women. But those bad actors are hidden from view. I know of no women who want to see male genitals in a locker changing room. Sports teams? Check out the fastest times in any Olympic or world event and check the posted times for men and women. I know I may not be popular with some, but even in male team sports there are different classes based on physical attributes; wresting and boxing come to mind. I read the winning an article about the winning time in a women's swimming event. The trans-woman's winning time would have ranked 700+ among male times. The floor has been yielded to fear and the infrequent occurrences. When Utah passed its ban on trans-women on women's high school teams there were only four out of 84,000 high school athletes who were trans, and of them, only women was a trans-girl; 1 out of 84,000 caused hysteria.

  8. AnonymousJuly 21, 2024

    Biden drops out! Go Karmala ! Beat Trump

  9. AnonymousJuly 21, 2024

    Maybe the Pumpkin Prince should drop out too. Now who’s old and mindless. He will always be mindless. I forwarded your blog today to everybody I know. About Trumps agenda.

  10. AnonymousJuly 21, 2024

    It’s such a long list that you will find a lot of people who will agree with something on it (ie, no fault divorce. What a farce). But the insertion of government into daily lives is evident, despite the supposed call for less government.

  11. Condemn single mothers? Hell, Vance has already condemned married women who haven't immediately started producing babies -- and plenty of them! Project 2025 would usher in social engineering big time. Scary. Speaking of scary, what makes any of us think that if the orange menace wins the 2024 election that there would even be a 2028 election? Now THAT'S scary!

  12. Thank you for this post! The only way to defeat this horrible agenda is by bringing it's ugliness into the light for all to see. Vote blueđź’™
