Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Mom Catches Son Femulating!

Source: Madeleine
Wearing Madeleine

Mom catches son femulating!
(Another fab video from Yoya Fabulosa)


  1. AnonymousJuly 23, 2024

    My mom and dad did not catch me Femulating, but they did their best to try. Back in my teen years (1960's) there was no information/internet to research why I needed to wear my mother's clothes. I had no older sisters so it was mom's or nothing. With hindsight I am sure my mom realized some of her dainties were out of place in her dresser drawers. It would have been obvious when she found somehow her sole black bra's strap had been snapped. Once I was sure I had several minutes to don the sole dress that I still could wear. I thought I had time to watch mom and dad from my sixth floor bedroom window and get out of it and put it away. I judged wrong when I heard my dad shouldering his body against the security chained apartment door trying to break it open. It held. I told them I had been in the bathroom. I am sure they did not believe me, but they did not catch me. I had just graduated high school and was waiting for college to start at the end of summer. If I had been caught I would have had my butt blistered and tossed out when I hit my 18th birthday. Vietnam would have been my destination. I escape detection. My dad died of cancer several months later. I went to college for four years and ended up in Nam anyway after graduating. Later, substitute a wife finding out her husband Femulates.

  2. AnonymousJuly 23, 2024

    When I was 11, my mother caught me trying on my sister's bathing suit. It was a one piece skirted swim suit. I was very embarrassed and claimed that I was simply curious. My mother was nice about it and wasn't angry. A couple of months later mom asked me if I'd want to dress up like a girl for Halloween.

    That really startled me and immediately I said no. However, I couldn't get the thought out of my mind and a week before Halloween, with a trembling voice, I asked mom if I could be a girl for my costume.

    I wore one of my sister's dresses with a pair of her pantyhose. I was fixed up very girly girl when mom finished. Trick and treating was a real mix of feeling delighted at times with myself, but also embarrassed when people realized I was a boy dressed up as a girl. I was teased a bit.

    In retrospect I think my mother thought that by making me as pretty a girl as she could that it would satisfy any desire I ever had for crossdressing. That was not the case at all. Mom never offered to dress me up as a girl again, but I dressed up many times after that carefully hiding my crossdressing from the family. Sometimes I'd find nighties that my sister was getting rid of and I'd hide them in my room and sleep in them. If mom had any awareness she never let on.

    As I write this I'm completely dressed up as a woman and I love it.


  3. My mom never caught me, but she did catch my younger brother. When we were both teens, my mom asked me if I knew anything about the bag of bras and panties she had found in my brother's closet. She did it lovingly, and said that there was nothing wrong with being curious about wearing women's clothes. I think it was her way of letting me know that she knew that I had been trying on her pantyhose, slips, and underwear and was not upset about it.

    I've never talked with my brother about that incident. I've always wondered if there is some genetic component...or perhaps something in our upbringing...that caused us both to share an interest in crossdressing.

  4. AnonymousJuly 24, 2024

    copley7, my mother wasn't a professional dressmaker, but she sewed dresses for my sister. She used me as her dress dummy at least three times to that she could surprise her with the finished product. Perhaps I was too young to remember each time, but the most memorable was when I was almost twelve. That time, mom was making a dress for my sister's 8th grade graduation. It was white and to allow it to fit and lay properly she put me in a girdle which she padded so that I'd have a girl's shape. I wore nylons too.

    I loved doing it, but to save face I protested and acted as if I was unhappy. Mom was appreciative and told me that wearing dresses was "our secret."

    Later, my sister caught me trying on one her dresses. She teased me to the point of tears which made her feel badly. When we were both in college at Indiana University she offered to help me dress up as a girl for Halloween. I took her up on her offer and had a wonderful time.

    Loved your story!

