Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Why AI?

The A.I. images I create for this blog have received mixed reviews. Some readers like them and some dislike them. (One reader disliked them so much that she swore that she would stop visiting the blog!)

I like them. 

In the past, I would find an image online (usually a photo) that had blog potential and then try to come up with an appropriate caption or dialog for that image. Now, using A.I., when I come up with an idea, I can create the exact image that I want to match that idea. 

Some of my earlier A.I. images did not come out exactly like I wanted (some still don’t), but I am learning how to get the A.I. engine to do my bidding more to my wishes. It’s getting better all the time.

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Trina Turk

Roman Polanski
Roman Polanski femulating in the 1976 French film The Tenant.


  1. I cannot stand the faces generated.....
    Thus when I hover over the site listings I find that I tend to move to another choice . . . .
    I just noticed tonight how far down the recent used listing Femulate has moved . . .

  2. I like your AI pictures a lot, except when they show the femulator with a beard or 5 o'clock shadow. The caption is enough to let us know their true sex.

    1. I as a man DON'T have a beard shadow. There are other men that don't have beard shadows, of course. I can go a day without shaving and I still don't have a beard shadow. So I second the request not to add beard shadows to AI generated femulators.


  3. As long as it makes you happy and adds to your creative juices. Use Ai, but please not exclusively. Personally, I am not a fan of obvious facial hair either.

  4. AnonymousMay 22, 2024

    Stana, my vote is to keep it up! I enjoy those posts. Of course they don't look "real", but the text usually brings a smile. Thanks for all that you post!

  5. You do what you want Hon! I’m going to follow you hell or high water. “ You can’t please everyone so please yourself “ Never thought you would carry your phone in your pocket neither. Times change. Stay current people.

  6. "I like them." It's your blog, Mrs 🙂 You do you, as they say.

    I guess like certain types of art or humour, some will appeal and some will not.

    Is it better, so to speak, than captioned or tweaked images of a real person? There's a question 🙂

    1. That‘s another reason to use AI images... how do you get permission to use a random internet image? And then there are copyright issues? These issues are not a problem using AI.

  7. AnonymousMay 22, 2024

    I'm neither for nor against, but the pictures I prefer are of real people. I'm of an age when I can remember that finding anything TG elated was a thrill. There were a few biographies (Roberta Cowell, Jan Morris, etc) and, what would have been called "smutty books", some with drawings and some with photos. Some of the drawings looked a little like so many AI images; tight bodies, short skirts, astonishingly high heels and big boobs. Fictional women!

    A year or so ago, there were some aps that allowed one to take a poto of a face and regender it. Loved them and went through my pictures by age and produced a history of Lily; I'm sure that anything done today would be so much better and how "me" were those AI tranformations?


  8. AnonymousMay 23, 2024

    I take it you aren't aware of Roman Polanski's seedy past as a paedophile and fugitive from justice?
    Penny from Edinburgh.

    1. I am well aware of Polanski's past.
