Saturday, May 18, 2024

Holy Crossdresser!


Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley



  1. oh, Rachel is MUCH better looking femme! she's not a BAD looking guy, but she is a CUTE girl!

  2. AnonymousMay 18, 2024

    That is a sentiment I fully agree with for indeed I am the Rachel in the photo, and the bland looking man on her left. These were taken back in 2002 with the legendary Massachusetts makeover magician Jamie Austin. A most talented and exceedingly lovely gentleman.

    1. oh, bland is a little harsh. You are not a bad looking man, nice smile and eyes. Just Rachel is quite cute. A lot of GGs wish they were as pretty as you!

    2. Rachel, I think you're a gorgeous redhead! The red reminds me of how the animal world "awards" the males of its' species with the best and most brilliant colors. Your red hair triggered this thought because a family of cardinals makes its' home nearby and I get to see the fabulously red male on a regular basis. If I were a bird, I'd choose to be a cardinal. I'd be the very definition of "RED", while my mate would be quite a bland red. That's a reversal of the way you define your "situation", as you transform from "bland" to "gorgeous". If only my transformations could be as fabulous as yours. I hope Rachel is still a very active part of your life.

  3. Father O'Malley in "Nun drag"??? I've seen priests doing "unusual" things with nuns over my years, but never borrowing their clothes! Ha!

  4. AnonymousMay 21, 2024

    Lovely Rachel, lucky girl.

    Do we have a uniform fetish? The French maid is almost boring, though I do fantasise about being an old fashioned waitess, black dress (long) white apron and probaly hair up. However when I was young the career I wanted was Navy, so the dream was to be a female naval officer (an English WREN) with the hope that all girls love a sailor even if she is a girl.

    I recently found a picture of my mother as a young nurse, so traditional; somehow dressed in modern scrubs, much more practical but so lacking in obvious femininity. Ah well, the world moves on, so now, given the normal uniform is pants and a top, I'll be the lady in the dress, just to be different.

