Monday, April 1, 2024

The April Fool's Joke was the Joke


Source: Rue La La
Wearing Amanda Uprichard

This image from Pinterest sparked a debate as to whether the bride in this photo was actually a male... a crossdresser, gay male bride or what? In my opinion, the bride is a male and in fact, is the groom en femme with some trick photography to unite the happy couple.


  1. …..or they could be identical twin brothers who decided to “marry” each other possibly as a joke.

  2. Looking more like party frocks than work apparel. What could they have planned for après' work?

    1. Definitely not something I've ever seen in my office! But I would be curious to see what folks who frequent this site would wear to work if (or when?) the gender-based dress code finally goes away. I think it may be something much like what we're seeing in this post (or maybe that would just be me...)
