Thursday, December 21, 2023


Source: Joie
Wearing Joie

Waiting in the restaurant for the other ladies to arrive for our luncheon last week, I took this selfie. Not bad for a 72-year-old, soon to be 73-year-old lady. The gold herringbone necklace was my mother’s and I wear it whenever I go out if it works with the rest of my outfit.


  1. Rachel McNeillDecember 21, 2023

    Looking good. I tell my wife that one reason I purchase really nice jewelry for her is that she might be persuaded to share sometimes.

  2. Not bad? Way short of the mark Stana. Gorgeous.

  3. I really love your picture, a perfect hairstyle for a woman your age love the glasses earrings your make up is right on you just have a natural aura of femininity you go girl you’re an inspiration---- Paula G

  4. Wow. The Venus dress is so you. You look like a woman. You must have lost some weight.
    Angel Amore

    1. Late 2017 through early 2018, I lost 30 pounds and have maintained that weight loss ever since. Thank you for noticing, Angel.

  5. I cannot handle how sexy Stana is for being 73. What a babe.

  6. Dear Stana ,
    Looking at your picture waiting at the restaurant , Wow ! I know a lot of cis women your same exact age who are nowhere near as attractive . It's so Very Important to watch one's weight ! if one wants to pass as an attractive lady like you do . 𝒱𝑒𝓇𝒶

    1. Thank you for the very kind words, Vera!

  7. Leslie LangfordDecember 22, 2023

    Beautiful, Stana!

    I'm getting a definite Sally Jessy Raphael vibe here with your blonde hair, crimson lip, and oversized red glasses. 😉

  8. Stana - not bad ???? You look fantastic ! And 100%, absolutely, authentically feminine !!!

  9. Stana looks fantastic for a 50 year old thanks to her Avon regime and super fashion style sense. She sets the trend and encourages others to be the woman they are. Look I am sure Stana wears sweats and Yoga pants when changing the oil on the Subaru or shovelling snow but quickly changes back into heels and a dress. Has she ever gone out and about as a slob? Never. Hugs Brenda ( no Google searches for nips, tucks and lifts in her History)

    1. Thank you, Brenda, but I have not been 50 for over 22 years!

  10. Stana, you look fantastic! What a treasure to be able to wear your mother's jewelry!

  11. Stana , as you can Imagine , every time I see a nice dress and high heels etc. in the wife's catalogs , I desire to buy and slip into them All and join the Femulating family !
    𝒱 ⚧️

  12. I tried to leave this part of my Identity behind for about 7 weeks , Well much loved femulating identity is here to stay forever .𝒱𝑒𝓇𝒶 𝒮𝑒𝒶𝓈

    1. Addictions ; just as an alcoholic is always an alcoholic even when they never tough a drink again and Femulating is the same Addiction which must be resisted for God.

  13. Stana ,          Hearing about your outing at the restaurant and meeting the Ladies , I Can Imagine how wonderfully fulfilling it would be to go out Completely enfemme , it just would be a Wonderful feeling I probably will never have .𝒱 

    1. You know I'm just a T-girl , truly a Transwoman ( really one word ) who is trying to find Her way .
      𝒱𝑒𝓇𝒶 𝒬
