Saturday, October 21, 2023

Someday Funnies

NEWS!  I am now posting my amusements on Deviant Art as well as here, so all those side-splitting Someday Funnies are in one place in case you want to revisit them without browsing through all my old posts. Click here to get there.

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Men in Black
Men in Black


  1. Ah, yes. I believe EVERYBODY, and I include men, should have at least 1 little black dress. Early in September I attended a gravesite burial ceremony, where the temperature was over 38 degrees C/100 degrees F. I was wearing a black dress instead of a coat and tie outfit. Believe me, the heat was much more bearable with the dress. And I was able to throw the.dress in the laundry instead of facing a dry cleaning bill.


  2. Good one! Thanks.
    I happened to wear that same dress this morning to the Eucharist Service. Of course I added heels, nylons, dark red nail lacquer (polish), and makeup. And I sang bass in the church choir.

