Saturday, May 2, 2020

Someday Funnies

Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Pretty femulators in the kitchen, circa 1965
Pretty femulators in the kitchen, circa 1965


  1. That board game would be so much more fun than Monopoly :)

    terrie :)

  2. My sister was born in 1960 and I arrived 5 years later. I remember my sister and her friends playing "Mystery Date." I also remember her playing with Barbie and friends. Back in our day, there was a clear line. Again, based on the era, girl toys and games (Barbie or Mystery Date) must not include play time with younger brothers.

    I didn't get to play with Barbie or Mystery Date but I must have put hundreds of thousands of miles on knees pushing my toy cars around the house. I still have an uncontrolled love of cars and own too many of the infernal things, full sized and pocket sized.

    At the time, I wasn't jealous of the Barbie time but I really wanted to play Mystery Date with sister.

    Today, I'd am a bit jealous of Barbie. She's got all the greatest stuff; Jeeps, mansions, countless garments and accessories. And yes, Barbie has had developed generations of stigma and sexism resulting from Mattel creating an impossible "ideal body image" for young women to think is normal.

    1. AnonymousMay 03, 2020

      Barbie got all of that loot after her divorce from Ken after she caught Ken wearing her bra and panties when she returned from a business trip one day early. Just to spite Ken she had everything painted pink. Actually, Ken did not mind the color change.

    2. AnonymousMay 03, 2020

      Nowdays, Barbie, (and her brand) has diversified into two distinct groups: Toys and collectables. The collectables start in the $100.00 range, as reported in a site for lesbians as well as trans women, ect...
      Barbie's diversification is further noted in the toy line by the variance of of body shape, ethnicity, as well as displayed physical disabilities. One Barbie is in a wheelchair, and another Barbie is a 'left above knee amputee', 'complete' with a leg prosthetic that resembles the Otto Bock (brand) 'C'leg, a computer regulated knee joint.

    3. True! I love the the divorce from Ken. She probably discovered his affair with GI Joe and his fashionable flocked hair. Ken probably was caught pink handed in the lingerie drawer. And yes to the two distinct groups. Indoctrination to brand loyalty of young women and indoctrination of adult women with massive disposable income!

  3. I love the game! Instead of the utilities of Monopoly we can have our own version -- hairdresser, nail spa, MAC makeover and all-size dress shop! Jail is where we get forced femininity -- maybe I won't use my "Get out of jail free" card just yet....

  4. AnonymousMay 03, 2020

    So you want to play cross dress games? Pine no more for the opportunity.
    I am totally surprised Disney has not jumped on their .....donkeys.
    ONE of only about a million hits on the 'ol googley box.
    No, I have not tried it. Too busy barbecuing ribs, ect...


  5. "Pretty femulators in the kitchen, circa 1965"

    NOT civilians! LOL

  6. Replies
    1. AnonymousMay 05, 2020

      Love your name PaulaPlaytex. Was totally fascinated by their 1960's bra commercials.
