Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Andrew Sotomayor

Who better to femulate than a makeup artist?

Andrew Sotomayor is a renowned celebrity makeup artist and his occasional femulations are spectacular. Two personal favorites are Maleficent and Bryce Dallas Howard’s character from Jurassic World.

I wish I had his makeup skills!

Andrew Sotomayor
Andrew Sotomayor as Maleficent
Andrew Sotomayor as Bryce Dallas Howard in Jurassic World (who runs through the jungle in heels)

Source: Etienne Aigner
Wearing Etienne Aigner

Rob Moran
Rob Moran femulates in the 2001 film Shallow Hal.


  1. I remember the makeup artist at First Event, everyone raved about him but I thought that he used way too much makeup, you are so much better at makeup than he ever was.

    1. His makeovers were over the top. I was not happy with the one he gave me, but everyone gushed over the results... go figure. Thank you for the kind words! Maybe I should go pro!

  2. Wow - he IS good! I especially love the dinosaurs! (giggle)

  3. Perhaps her high heels, would offer a deterrent to those little 'ankle biter dinos', so prevalent in Jurassic settings... ;-)
    Stay sane, and happy.
