Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Girls’ Night Out with a Twist

Real Art Ways "is an alternative multidisciplinary arts organization in Hartford, CT that presents and supports contemporary artists.” On the third Thursday of each month, Real Art Ways holds a "Creative Cocktail Hour," which they say, "represents the best of everything Real Art Ways has to offer: innovative art, invigorating music and hundreds of the most interesting and open-minded people to share the experience.”

I have attended Creative Cocktail Hour a number of times and typically found a dozen or so of my trans sisters also in attendance. I have not attended Creative Cocktail Hour since the summer of 2014. I had made plans to go since then, but life got in the way and I was unable to go.

My daughter recently moved to Hartford and Real Art Ways is her neighbor. While walking her dog, she has encountered Creative Cocktail Hour crowds milling about Real Art Ways, but she has never attended because she did not want to go solo (I can’t blame her).

I mentioned to her that some of my trans sisters attend and I would be happy to accompany her if she was comfortable going with her old aunt rather than her old man. She was enthusiastic about attending with me en femme, so we have a date to go to Creative Cocktail Hour together.

How cool is that!

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Singer Akihiro Miwa
Singer Akihiro Miwa


  1. That's fantastic, Stana, your daughter is a treasure to go with her aunt to this event.

  2. Sounds wonderful. good luck

  3. Nothing could be any cooler... what an accepting daughter, just simply wonderful.

  4. Incredibly cool, Aunt Stana.

  5. fabulous! Can't wait to hear how it went!

  6. All of the above -- we can’t wait to hear how it goes!

  7. Wow that is cool,I am happy for you

  8. I'm guessing your daughter resembles you, at least half. Why not go as her "Mom"? After all, you're her parent, not a once-removed aunt.

    1. She looks more like my wife. If anyone asks, I’ll say I used to be her Dad! LOL

    2. We parents can have many titles. Two of my four kids were acquired via a second marriage. While I'm no longer married to their mom, you don't divorce kids. So I'm still the "alternate dad" to "her" kids and she's the "alternate mom" to mine. And you're going to be the "used to be dad", or maybe "emeritus dad" or "the lady formerly known as dad" -- and the silliness seem to have no end. Ha!

  9. Wonderful! Have fun! :)

  10. Will you and your daughter be going on October 17. Enjoy a mother /daughter day out.
