I made my living as a technical writer for over 50 years and I had a some success doing it. Two of my books were best sellers and a few years ago, I received one of the most prestigious awards in my field in honor of my writing career.
Writing this blog has been a success, too. It usually gets 5,000 hits per day and is approaching 15 million hits over its 12-year run.
The success of this blog inspired me to write a book on the subject, which
I did four years ago. But unlike my technical books, the sales of my trans book were poor despite its good reviews. Sales were so poor that I swore I would never write a trans book again.
Sunday, I received the following e-mail from a woman I met at a workshop we both attended 10 years ago.
I just read your book, Fantasia Fair Diaries, and I want to congratulate you and say thanks for sharing your experiences at Fan Fair. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Your writing seemed as if you were just talking to me as you did when we met at the [workshop] several years ago in New York.
As I was reading, I kept thinking how wonderful it would be if you would write a book about your life. And then, near the end of Diaries, you mentioned you were contemplating doing so. Have you done so by now? I want to purchase a copy ASAP if you have. Your story is fascinating and I have highest regards for your kindness and friendship.
Wow! Her e-mail made my day and since receiving it, I have been mulling over writing another book.
I am certain I have another book in me, but do I want to put in the effort of writing another book just to be disappointed again?
Wearing Hemant and Nandita (Source: Rue La La) |
Filippo Timi femulates in Italian television's Favola. |