Sunday, July 22, 2018

Someday Funnies

Wearing Jovani
Wearing Jovani

Tom Martelle
Sheet music for "The Fashion Girl" sung by professional femulator Tom Martelle


  1. My bra size is 40DD. I certainly do not hide my assets and nobody has EVER ridiculed my chest mounds. That along with my long hair and no beard shadow gets me ma'amed a lot of the time, and it's fun to watch people's faces when I talk with my bass voice.

    I always use my masculine name John.

  2. are you sure about the committee address, not 1600 Pennsylvania av? I thought there was someone sympathetic there.

  3. AnonymousJuly 23, 2018

    I have often wondered how the Human Race would have fared if BOTH genders had lactating, bosomy breasts? A few hypotheticals:1) Men would have to stay around the cave, hut, village, home, to help feed the kinder. 2)Since men would also be bound more greatly to home and kinder, less time spent on aggression, greed, war.... 3) There would be a lot less 'ogling', since EVERYONE had a 'pair'. However, there would still be ENVY... 4)Breast cancer would have been cured, due to male demand and heavier financial contribution to the effort to cure... Any other contributions? Velma
