Monday, February 8, 2016

Polaroids and Kodachromes

1990, The Big Hair Era
A few days ago, I happened upon my collection of film photographs (as opposed to digital photographs).

I noticed that the 40 or so Polaroid SX-70 photographs in the collection were starting to deteriorate, that is, the white frames surrounding the images were coming apart. So I decided to scan all the Polaroids before they deteriorated further.

Then I noticed that the color was fading in some of the Kodachromes in the collection, so I decided to scan all the Kodachromes, too.

I finished the job on Saturday scanning almost 300 photographs in all.

I have not looked at most of these photos in ages and in my opinion, they confirm the old saying “youth is wasted on the young.”

I was in my late 30s through my late 40s in those photos and "Damn!" I look good in those old photos. I can see how my femulating skills improved over the years, but even early on, I could have safely gone out as a woman amongst the civilians, but did not because I thought my height would give me away. What a waste!

I was 39-years-old in the accompanying photo taken at the first support group meeting I ever attended (Connecticut Outreach Society). It was also the first time I had ever left home as a woman that was not Halloween-related.

I recall feeling awkward and very nervous and as a result, sweated profusely at the meeting. I thought that I did not belong with these men in dresses and I swore I would never come back. But I did come back… again and again and again.

Source: Bluefly
Wearing Catherine Malendrino.

Alan Cummings
Alan Cummings


  1. It must be good to have these older photos, I am afraid that over the years, like many of our sisters I lost many photos to the inevitable purges.

    1. I had approximately 50 photos and Super 8 movie film of me in my 20's that were lost in my one and only purge.

  2. And that is the case with me as well, purges have a way of ruining what was something special. There was a day prior to digital when Polaroid was the only safe way to document the styles I wore and loved, they are long since gone. But in my mind there is a picture of the first time I completed the entire puzzle, hair, make-up, nails, shoes, and I nearly burnt the camera up documenting it. But the best picture was as I stood in front of the mirror in that hotel room so far from home. The woman I knew I was looked back at me, blinked when I blinked, and smiled in contentment. Thank you Stana for your reminder of how sweet looking back can be.

  3. Hi Stana! of course now you've got to show us some more of those pics!! I'm a Femulate reader and two time favorite photo girl!
    Hugs Allison!

    1. I do plan to reveal those photos real soon now, Allison!

  4. Every time I see a photo of Alan Cumming or watch The Good Wife or his Masterpiece Theatre introductions, I see the Emcee in Cabaret. I am your host for the evening...

  5. I must say you look really good in the 1990 photo above. If I didn't know that I am reading a transgender blog, I'll assume that you're a genetic woman!

  6. It so funny that so many of us have experienced "a purge" We truly are so much a like in so many ways

    Stana-- You look so cute and pretty, what a wonderful time in fashion bug hair and pantyhose (sigh)

    You look cis and yes your are correct we were all so scared to go out and about too tall OMG look at us now what time wasted!!!!!
