Monday, January 18, 2016

Girls on YouTube

Sunday some friends and relatives stopped by for dinner (deep fried turkey with all the fixings) and to watch the NFL playoff games.

After the company left and we cleaned up, I collapsed on the couch and surfed the channels looking for something entertaining and/or trans-related. I ended up watching Boat Trip figuring it had some femulating potential. There was some drag in the film, but nothing to write home about.

With my laptop lap, I began surfing the Internet looking for any womanless pageants and male-to-female transformations that I have not seen.

There was one pageant and one transformation that were worth noting (this pageant and this transformation), but the highlight of my late night surfing was this video of a tween-aged boy being transformed into a tween-aged girl at the hands of his sister. The boy's enthusiasm is addictive and his reaction to his transformation is priceless.

I don't have a clue if he is trans. He has a couple of other transformation videos online and at the conclusion of this one, he thinks he looks pretty and "wants to stay like this."

So, you go, girl!

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Dion Lee (dress), Alice & Olivia (coat) and Rachel Zoe (shoes).

Boys will be girls, girls will be boys.
Boys will be girls, girls will be boys.


  1. Susan BarouxJanuary 18, 2016

    One of my favorite sister/brother transformations is this one:
    It looks like both of them are enjoying it.

    1. After the transformation, they look like twin sisters only separated by age!

  2. Stana, can you please give the source of this femulate her role reversal image?

    1. Pinterest, but I do not recall where on Pinterest.

  3. apeena posso lo vado a vedere ti ringrazio della bella segnalazione!!! anch'io quando riesco a piacermi allo specchio sprizzo gioia da tutti i pori!!! grazie baci baci baci

  4. Oh yes our friend in the video is definitely not a "civilian" much too enthusiastic and comfortable, the clincher is "I think I want to stay like this" yep me too!

  5. Cute video, he looks a little like Michelle Trachtenberg.
    And "Boat Trip" is a horrible movie.

  6. It would have been great to reverse rolls when I was little. I'd have worn dresses all summer at Grandma's.
