Monday, August 3, 2015

Long Weekend

Bandy and Me, Provincetown 2014
My weekend started mid-morning Friday when I received a phone call at work informing me that my 95-year-old mother-in-law was hospitalized after being found "unresponsive" in bed at the retirement home where she had been living.

We assumed this was her end and began making plans for a funeral as we drove to the hospital where we spent the day at her bedside.

According to the hospital staff, she had pneumonia and maybe a heart attack.

We returned to the hospital Saturday and found a new woman. She did have pneumonia, but did not have a heart attack and was recovering nicely from the meds and treatments she received at the hospital. And we were relieved that there would not be a funeral.

Spending time at her bedside, we did not accomplish much this weekend. I did find time to reserve a room at Chicago House in Provincetown for Fantasia Fair in October. I did not want to get shut-out room-wise if I decide to go, so I figured the sooner, the better that I reserve a room.

I am holding off registering for the event itself until I get a better feeling for my wife's health status. I probably can do a half-week, maybe more, but I will wait and see.

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor.

Pyotr Krasilov
Actor Pyotr Krasilov (third from right) femulating in
Russian television's All Mixed in the House (2006).


  1. My best wishes to you and your family. Good luck and you all have my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Good to hear she is OK. And good to have you back.

  3. Along with Pat-I wish you the best and am sending good vibes your direction!!!
