Welcome back as we return to our normal programming schedule! I hope your holiday (if any) was pleasant. I had a molar extracted the Friday before Thanksgiving and my jaw ached for over a week, but I managed to enjoy turkey with all the trimmings nonetheless. I have been taking advantage of the holiday sales --- updating some of my wardrobe and adding to it as well. Today, I will be at Southern Connecticut State University to do outreach at a human sexuality class, which is always interesting. And I plan to do a little holiday shopping for my family and friends before and after the class. You can expect a full report on my day out as a woman in a day or two. |  |

Wearing Thicken.

Comedian Zach Cregger femulating in television’s The Whitest Kids U' Know (2007-12).
Stana -We did a talk at Santa Clara College 2 weeks ago . It when well this is the 2nd time i went with our group. Thanks for giving me the courage to go do it.