Friday, October 31, 2014

Over the Brink

First photo after arriving at work today.
All week long, I had Friday on my mind. I was undecided whether to femulate at work for the third Halloween in a row or not... until mid-morning Thursday when my boss stopped by my cubicle.

She asked if I was dressing for Halloween because her boss wanted to take a "before" photo on Thursday and an "after" photo on Friday. (Her boss also plans to costume up at work for Halloween.)

Needless to say, that pushed me over the brink and I went to work en femme today. (I will post a photo as soon as possible.)


  1. Oh Stana, I wish I could you are doing it for the rest of us who can't thanks we are waiting for the photo and details!!!!!


    1. Hi Paula --- First photo above, another photo and details in Monday's post.

  2. I hope (fervently!) you post a photo, Stana.

  3. Wow! going to work enfemme (even if it's Halloween) - you're lucky to have a supervisor with an open mind and a fun attitude. I'm sure that the "cat has climbed out of the bag" a few more inches though! Please let us know what your co-workers comments and observations are - even if it pushes the edge of the envelope for the men, they have to admit that you're a striking woman! I could never, ever have done this when I was working BUT I did do my department's Christmas party - "in drag" one year. My female co-worker (who knew I was a CD) covered for me and said it was her idea, and that she "talked me into it"!

    1. My company is very LGBT supportive. We have a FTM in my office here and HR told me to go full-time whenever I want. I think that a lot of my co-workers suspect something, but are polite enough not to ask me about it. And if they asked, I would tell them the truth. (I like your cover story!)

  4. I so wish it could be that routine to go out enfemme as often. Slowly I am getting the courage to go out again, been since my teenage days. That might be changing soon. Christmas shopping at the other end of the state for two weeks, now is my chance.

    1. I love Christmas shopping en femme!

  5. A dream come true which you've realized, clever you. I never managed that but I've still got a few occasions I could come "out" at, maybe?

  6. It IS a dream come true!
