Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Femulated / Femulate Her


Mick_Jagger2 Singer Mick Jagger femulating.



Spiegel Wearing Spiegel.


  1. Stana,

    I really like the new blog layout.

    I would have thought Mick Jagger would look better as a femulator, but, um, not so much.

    Speaking of Jagger, last night Chicago public television showed a film from 1981 when the Rolling Stones attended and then joined a Muddy Waters blues concert on the south side. All of the Stones looked impossibly young (even Keith Richards).

  2. Stana
    I also noted the new layout. I think I like it but it may take a bit of adjustment. I really like adding your name on the masthead as "Stana's Femulate".

    Linda, I also recently saw the PBS playing of the Stones with Muddy Waters. It brings to mind a Dylan lyric "Oh but I was so much older then...I'm younger than that now". We were all so much younger back in 1981. Tonight I may get out to a T friendly bar that I have been to on a few occasions. It is Karaoke night. I have never had the courage to sing but speaking of Dylan I may give a run at "Just Like a Woman".


  3. Linda and Pat --- Thank you for the kind words about the new layout.

    Mick has femulated on a number of occasions --- some better than others. If you get a chance, see the HBO documentary on the Stones "Crossfire Hurricane." It includes a few seconds of the Stones getting dressed for their en femme photo that appeared on the sleeve of their "Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadows" 45.
