Friday, July 20, 2012

Casino Bound

I am going to the casino today. Wish me luck!


  1. Know your limit, stay within it.

  2. Good luck! What casino, and what's your game?

  3. AnonymousJuly 20, 2012

    drop a quarter in for me!

    You be your stunning self! and have a blast!

  4. Good luck!

    And keep the basics in mind:

    1) Don't bet more than you can afford to lose
    2) Don't chase your losses
    3) Have a great time!

  5. I have a system for always winning, buy the casino! Good luck and enjoy yourself anyway.

  6. Break a leg,may lady luck be with you,rub the rabbit foot,cross your fingers and toes,wear your lucky underwear/outerwear,if u have any and think good and positive thoughts,and go with your gut feelings.Oh well, dress to the nines,have a great time and try to be home by nine,miss devine-lol. You go girl.Love Ya. Good Luck.

  7. I was in vegas about a month ago, had pretty good luck at those computerized roulette tables (physical ball, but fired electronically). Won $160 doing that.

  8. Dress to impress and play your heart out! I wish you nothing save good luck, Stana.
