Sunday, April 1, 2012

In My Room

That's me singing my version of "In My Room" at the Connecticut Outreach Society's annual banquet last night. My thanks to the lovely Jan Brown for the photo.

I will post a full report here about last night's adventure real soon now.


  1. Hi, Stana, can you get a video of you singing, I would love to see and hear you, you look fabulous.

  2. Lorraine --- Thank you for the "fabulous." No one recorded my performance, so I cannot post it.

  3. I see a recording contract soon you become the newest sensation!! you look like were and did have a lot of fun...that's what it's really all about!

  4. You can see the joy in your face and you look gorgeous!

  5. You look wonderful, Stana. Hope you had a great time.

  6. In the end (no pun intended) living our lives as we see fit and having a blast in the process is all that really matters to most of us. Kudos to you, Stana!
