Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Real World

After an event like the banquet on Saturday night, it is very difficult to return to the "real" world on Monday morning.

After my daily regimen of moisturizer and anti-aging creams this morning, I wanted to apply my makeup.

When I walked into my closet to fetch clothes to wear today, I wanted to pick out a dress and a matching bag and heels.

Throughout the day, my feet still felt like I was wearing heels and I caught myself walking on my tiptoes a number of times and if no one was around, I kept walking on my tiptoes..

Also, my mind was somewhere else today.

Luckily, today I was Photoshopping images in an assembly-line fashion --- so my mind could be somewhere else.

And somewhere else is a place I have visited many times in the past.

It is a place where I debate myself about living in the "real" world vs. living in the real world.

So far, the debate always concludes with me returning to the "real" world.


  1. You simply have to go 24/7 en femme - maybe not around the house with your wife temporarily, but certainly at work!

    At least my wife tolerates my wearing dresses around the house. Maybe what you could do is simply wear house dresses around the house without makeup and grow your hair where it is acceptable en femme and in drab.

    If I was as committed to crossdressing, grooming, and writing a blog as you are I would be taking hormones and going en femme 24/7.

    Hopefully your wife will come around to your thinking.


  2. We all have to live in the real world. Full time would just be too much of a conflict with 5-6 decades of being known to all as our guy self.
    Our minds are wonderful, however. At any time of any day we can visit our girl world in our minds. On some days and for some events and outings we can visit our girl world in a more physical fashion.

    I know that I need to clothes, etc to make the visit most fulfilling but there are benefits to following the muse into our femme existance.

    I truly believe that we have the best of both worlds.


  3. "Today you are You,
    that is truer than true.
    There is no one alive
    who is Youer than You."
    Dr. Seuss

    We make our own world, especially when we choose between loving who we are and fearing what we might lose.

    Annual events are mileposts that let us measure our journey.

    In that looking back, we can sometimes catch a glimpse of our best future.

    "Today you are You,
    that is truer than true.
    There is no one alive
    who is Youer than You."

  4. So far.

    And you've come so far.

  5. Maybe you could take a pair of fuzzy slippers in to walk around in? Just kidding! Retirement is just around the corner and youll be able to live in watever world you want....
