Saturday, July 17, 2010

Eyelash Experiment Week 5

After five weeks of using the Avon eyelash growth stimulator, I am very happy with the results. Even without mascara, my eyelashes look longer and fuller than they looked before I began using the serum. With mascara, they are amazing!

In my case, patience paid off. After two weeks, I was not thrilled with the results, but into week three and beyond, I began noticing a difference. By week five, there was a big difference.

So, if you desire fatter eyelashes, I recommend Avon's eyelash growth stimulator serum.


  1. what is this stuff called? Avon search doesn't seem to find anything like this.

  2. Elaine --- It's called ANEW Lash-Transforming Mascara + Serum; here is the URL:
