It seems that this effort is not just a pipe dream that goes nowhere, as in the past when some odd designer would show a few skirts in his/her men's collection. Now, men are actually beginning to appear in public wearing skirts; recent men in skirt sightings have occurred throughout the world and they are occurring more frequently.
In addition to men in skirts, we also have:
- men in pantyhose or "mantyhose"
- men in leggings or "meggings"
- men in girdles or "mirdles"
- men in bras or "manssieres"
- men in high heels
- men in makeup including "guyliner" and "manscara"
- men in purses or "murses"
There is not much left for men to borrow from milady's wardrobe.
Are men becoming the new women?
Will the feminization of men's fashions make it easier or harder for crossdressers?
We'll have to wait and see.
Staci - but wait, there's more! For quite some time, they've sold "utilikilts" (http://www.utilikilts.com/), and there's a guy (unambigiously) who wears one to work several days a week.
ReplyDeleteThere also was an article on NPR recently (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92751655) about a mailman (no pun intended) who's campaigning to get "male unbifurcated garments" -- that is, kilts -- as an approved uniform option for USPS employees.
Robin --- Thank you for those additions. I have to run now and get my nails done and my hair highlighted for poker night with the guys tonight.
ReplyDeleteNow there are several hundred articles in all corners at internet talking about men's skirts. It looks like that the traditional pants got more than one beat, and for summer 2009, fall and winter there are more skirts than trousers at all famous catwalks around the world.
ReplyDeletePersonally I think that skirts could be an addition to males wardrobe because, indeed there is not many 'typically men's style - clothing' left which is not already adopted to womens wardrobe.
I don't think that men will become the new women in kind of dressing but I hope that men will do more for their outfit than in the past (why do men have to look ugly?).
Mara --- The times they are a'changin' ...and so are men's fashions!
ReplyDeleteYes I agree, Staci, but the question is what else could be changed by men :).
ReplyDeleteOkay, I don't think men getting more femalized but I think the skirt becomes more maculinized.
On the other hand recently I saw some men in skirts, -not in orignally kilts- I would say typically women's skirts, but non of those guys lost their masculinity, even they go more the touch of the typical "man", they looked really confident, "manly" and handsome.
Maybe we have just to rethink.
Anonymous --- You may be right! I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.
ReplyDeleteI saw let"s wear them, I do as often as i can. I love to wear skirts. Pants you can have, I dont knowhy women hat skirts so much.
ReplyDeleteJust bought two skirts today one dark brown & one in black and since I havent wore a skirt long I find them connfy .
ReplyDeleteSurely skirt are comfortable, especially for men. Unfortunately most men do not know that, and some women either.
ReplyDeleteStaci, you're right, men's fashio is changing, but I am not sure to call that what men wore in the past 150 years 'fashion', it was a kind of pant-trend and very uniform. Maybe it is changing now. Want to see more men skirted.
Stacy and 'Anonymous" (last posting);
ReplyDeleteYou are right, but I think nobody really can answer the question why men did not create their own style earlier. Since Victorian time they wearing the same and nobody was caring about. Finally men going forward creating new men's fashion, and I think that they have to find their way first, and only what women should do is to assist men - but never take care what they HAVE to wear.
Let's see what's coming up - I already saw the men's spring collection ... more skirts and shorter.
Okay, that's right there is nt much left for women to borrow from men's wardrobe it's already done. So we have to ask for Equmen [short for equality for men]taking advantage and do th same. Wome made it possible, showed up to the world that they can do it, now we want to se men who are manly enough to do the same and move on withnew and fesh ideas in kind of dressing. I like it and i hope to see many more skirted men in future.
What you are really talking about? Skirts for Women? YES! Skirts for Men? YES! So please where is the difference that one sex just wearing one kind of clothes the other shouln't? That makes no sense at all - equality for ALL!
ReplyDeleteAs a famous person said during the women's month celebration in 2004:
"The emanicpation of women is finished when men wearing skirts". Think about what does it really mean, and you'll understand.
Men, where are you in your skirts?
Bess, wana see me? Just come to Detroit Metro area, let me know when you'll arrive and you'll see me in a skirt. Okay, my skirts are not too short, minimum 17 inches, longest with 20 inches. Everybody like skirts on me - my students, too.
Hey Martin; Am I right that you a teacher and wearing skirts? Must be interesting reactions from students, female or male students? Tell us about.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, anonymous, I am teaching collge level courses at our Academy. Most of the students are critical thinking females, and they love my skirts and kilts. This young women clearly stated that I am looking in kilts and skirts much better than in pants. When I used first time skirts they gave me some good ideas. And 90% of our faculty are females, non of them like to see me in pants and they all like shorter skirts and kilts on me..... guess why.
Congratulations Martin, and may I guess? You have nice legs, do you?
You're guessing right. But thats not the ONLY reason. Another reason or maybe the main reason is that I always look different in my skirts and kilts. One lady made it clear: "Throw away your pants, you looking much better in skirts".
Why we are dicussing men in skirts and not women in pants and suits? Check out this website and tell your opinion: http://blogs.fashionweekdaily.com/?cat=20.
ReplyDeleteScroll down to the second image. I might be wrong telling my opinion that Iris Strubegger looking better in a suit than the male counterpart, but it includes what fits better for our men? Maybe skirts are the solution and we can't jump out of our society styled imagination?
ReplyDeletePeople who do not believe that men should wear skirts are thickheaded losers.
Robert asked me to post his comment:
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What I stated was this; I don't see anything wrong with men or boys wearing skirts or dresses for that matter. I do not do it for crossdressing, but for comfort. I have been wearing skirts for over 40 yrs. I currently own 13 of them. I go shopping in them and as a rule receive no flack, as a matter fact several women have told me, because of the style, that they look good on me. I am 6 ft. tall but keep my weight down to 140 lbs. Not bad for a 59 yr.old man.
The styles I use are primarily pleated a-line skirts, mostly solid colors and a few plaids. They keep you cooler in the summer. They also do not cause the rashes that accompany the wearing of pants or shorts. I have tried dresses, but don't feel as comfortable in them (I own 3). So I just use them for lounging around the house.
If you want to add these comments to your blog please feel free to do so. I am not afraid of others knowing. All of my friends and family know, so why hide it.
Robert, just great. As I already wrote, I am wearin skirts, and the beginning was a medical issue, Today I only can smile about the thoughts I had when starting to wear it.
ReplyDeleteAnd indeed, there is nothing more comfortable. Our ancestors 500 years ago did exactly right.... maybe they knew more a bout their body than we know it today?